Tried Yesterday So Let's See If This Works.


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Jan 18, 2017

Danica P.

Yesterday I tried to post my look I did for my last dose of chemo and the pics wouldn't post so I'm going to try one more time if it dosnt work sorry.

Jan 18, 2017

Danica P.


Jan 18, 2017

Danica P.

Nope still not working wonder what's going on can't post pics to my profile either??

Jan 18, 2017

Danica P.

figured it out

Jan 18, 2017

Danica P.


Jan 18, 2017

Danica P.


Jan 18, 2017

Danica P.

Look at my little ponytail yall can't believe I can pull my hair back.

Jan 18, 2017

Danica P.

I had to screen shot my pics to post how weird but hey it worked lok.

Jan 18, 2017

Danica P.

Moderators I posted the pics in my last post to so feel free to delete this on since now there is 2 posts with the same pics sorry I was just determined to figure it out.

Jan 18, 2017

Rhiannon C.

I had Leukemia when I was 7 years old and got treated with Chemotherapy so I know exactly how you feel.. I am almost 18 now and I have almost completed 3 years, and will be going into my 4th year in August ☺️ I know how you feel, and it's a horrible process. I felt so weak and sick after a treatment. could hardly walk, talk, or think. the hair falling out was horrible too, but I ended up liking my hair more that grew back than the hair that fell out. I don't know you, but I am so proud of you and give you so much credit. You're an amazing and strong person don't forget that! and congrats🤗 the feeling of knowing it's the last treatment is amazing and relieving isn't it? and by the way you're truly gorgeous.

Jan 18, 2017

Hannah K.

You look absolutely gorgeous Danica, congratulations for your last dose of chemo!

Jan 18, 2017

Danica P.

Rhiannon omg thankyou for sharing your story your not alone girl I know exactly how it feels we have to celebrate life and one day at a time in so happy I completed my chemo but as you know once you have cancer a whole bunch of other crap comes with it mental health the CT scans the trips to the docs constantly to measure if it's growing or not the blood tests but hey we are strong and we have to keep mov8ng on I hated to when my hair fell out but if you look in my profile you will see how many styles I got to try with wigs this past 9 months I've bin on a low dose chemo after my stem cell transplant so my hair was able to grow back yay! I can put it in a little pony tail with the help of a whole pack of Bobby pins hahahaha I'm scared of what's next but you know what I learned from dealing with this is I can conquer anything and so can you I'm so glad you shared that with me you are strong girl and just remember nothing is forever and you will come out as strong as 10 men and 20 lions!

Jan 18, 2017

Danica P.

thankyou hannah!!

Jan 18, 2017

Rhiannon C.

Yeah I know.. fear is always there and I get sick all the time because my immune system is shot now. also dealt with the mental health issues especially after I hit the teenage years after the whole cancer thing and not knowing how to properly deal with things and socialize properly. I still have to go for blood tests and scans and all that. I still get nervous every time but I live everyday one day at a time.

Jan 18, 2017

Danica P.

Also rhiannon if you ever want to talk please leave me a message on my profile I know it sucks sometimes when you can't talk to people because they don't understand what you are feeling have you had radiation?? I'm worried that now my doc quit my chemo that it's in my future I hope not but I have to prepare myself mentaly.

Jan 18, 2017

Rhiannon C.

Thank you so much (: I have not had radiation.. I was only treated with Chemotherapy

Jan 18, 2017

Sabrina K.

You look absolutely beautiful :) Happy to see you back and to hear that you are done with all the treatments!! Yay!

Jan 18, 2017

Jenni L.

Congrats on the end of your treatment! You look gorgeous!

Jan 18, 2017

Taylor G.

Gorgeous! So happy for you

Jan 18, 2017

Danica P.

Thanks ladies Sabrina yes I'm back and I'm fresh I feel like a new person I'm aware I still have a long road ahead of me but this chemos done so what Evers next I'm ready for it I'll kick it's ass I've learned a lot about my self and I no longer struggle with self consciousness I know who I am and I know I'm a strong and beautiful woman it takes a lot to realise that about urself but I promise we all are every single one of us ladies are strong and beautiful just finding it can be hard sometimes

Jan 18, 2017

Madi M.

You are so beautiful! congrats on being done with your treatments! the look you did was so jealous of your cheek bones, they're so defined and beautiful. lol

Jan 18, 2017

Lainee I.

Congrats!! That's awesome!! Love the look, your gorgeous!!

Jan 18, 2017

Sabrina K.

Aww Danica what a beautiful place to be! I always knew you were strong and would beat that cancer! I'm so happy that you are in such a good place, you truly are an inspiration :)

Jan 18, 2017

Anna D.

Congrats girl!! You look absolutely gorgeous ♡♡

Jan 19, 2017

Monica K.

I've been looking forward to seeing your pictures post!! You look amazing, and healthy. Absolutely love your brows!! Congratulations on your last treatment. stay strong 💙