Oil Cleansing Method?


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Jan 8, 2013

Britt A.

Lately I have been thinking of trying the Oil Cleansing method! I suffer from hormonal acne and severely sensitive skin. My hormonal breakouts usually leave marks that last until my next set of hormonal breakouts, so it's this huge sad cycle.

I am on the Mirena IUD, which is suppose to help but only does so moderately. I also see a dermatologist, and they prescribe me retinol to use on my face and Axzone spot treatment for my hormonal breakouts.

I am really interested in the OCM because I feel like all I use is spot treatments, and while they speed up the healing process, they don't keep me from breaking out! It's like treating the symptom but not the cause. So my question for you ladies is, do you use the Oil Cleansing Method? What oils do you use? What were the results?

Right now my skin care routine is Neutrogena Ultra Gentle cleanser, Witch Hazel toner and retinol at night and Axzone in the morning.

Thanks! ox

Jan 8, 2013

Lissette P.

Ok so first off I have combination skin, oily on the t zone area and kinda dry on the cheek area. I've only used the oil once, my sister uses Amore Pacific and she loves it (she also has combo skin). I used hers one night before bed and wow my skin felt so amazing, so soft and not oily at all. I was sold, then the next morning I felt my face so oily as if I slept on the most humid night ever. It did not feel good, however I was in Houston at the time where it is normally humid. My sister though does not have the same reaction to the oil and she lives in Houston. So I'm not sure if I'm just the weird girl that reacts differently to it :) 

Jan 8, 2013

Britt A.

I've heard your skin can go through a period of purging in the beginning where it produces a lot of oil before it regulates itself. I'm so nervous, I don't want to try and get crazy breakouts because it takes a long time for my skin to recover.

Jan 8, 2013

Sophie L.

Britt, I'm a massive fan of OCM as it saved me from cystic acne that hurt so bad I literally avoided smiling & talking because I couldn't bear moving my jaw! However, for me it comes with two caveats:
1) You need to know what's causing the breakouts & cut it out. For me, it is literally ANYTHING not of natural origin (ie. synthetic ingredients). OCM worked for me only because I cut out EVERYTHING synthetic - skincare, haircare, make up. Might not be the case with you, but you do need to pin down the cause as well as treat the symptoms.
2) For me it is a treatment, rather than a forever-routine. I can use it for two or three months exclusively, but then my skin starts to get a big rough & I need to start using cleanser & moisturiser again. But it's great that if I'm skint or stuck somewhere, I can just grab a bit of EVOO from someone's kitchen cupboard & voila! Make up remover, cleanser, moisturiser & - with a bit of sugar or bicarb - scrub!
If you want to try it, you don't need a 'product.' EVOO might be a bit heavy to start, but Rice Bran or Grapeseed oil, both from the grocery store, are good cheap oils to start out with. 

Jan 8, 2013

Sophie L.

PS. That sounded as if I cut out skincare, haircare & make up entirely. God no! I meant I cut out the synthetic versions. 

Jan 8, 2013

Lissette P.

Maybe that's what happened to me then, i didn't give it another try cause i didn't like the way it feels so I have no idea if that's the case. My sister loves it and there are so many positive reviews out there. I don't have a lot of acne problems. I get small ones on my chin area and the occasional red pimple around my face and I haven't found anything that helps it.

Jan 8, 2013

Sophie L.

Lissette, it may have also been the oils in the product you tried. They vary massively - heavy to light, oily to dry, thick to thin. Try starting with a single oil, then as you learn about their different properties, you can add different oils in varying qualities to the mix. 

Jan 8, 2013

Sarah L.

Coconut oil works! Does not clog pores! Love it

Jan 8, 2013

Britt A.

I want to try! I heard castor and EVOO for skin. But I love the benefits of coconut oil too! Any suggestions? I want to try to use it and maybe oil cleanse when my hormones start up in my cycle? 

Jan 9, 2013

Britt A.

I started the OCM last night! I cleansed my face at night with a solution of 30% castor oil and 70% EVOO (the castor oil as the cleansing oil and EVOO cause it has the same PH as our skin already). When I woke up, my skin was glowing! It wasn't red and blotchy like I'm use to, and my pores already looked smaller! Insane! I also noticed the red veins showing through my skin weren't as noticable. When I woke up, I cleansed with Organic Coconut Oil (just for it's antibacterial properties). My skin felt so supple and my makeup went on insanely smooth! Thanks for all the feedback! I want to keep cleansing this way, I'm going to see how it goes. But not adverse reactions so far, which is shocking for me. Pinterest win, for sure ;)

Jan 10, 2013

Sarah L.

I've been a skincare specialist for 8 years now and can't scream enough about how amazing oil is at cleansing the skin. Most of my clients young and old are using oil as a method of cleansing. Coconut oil is my favourite but I'm just obsessed with coconuts! You can also use castor oil and olive oil is so amazing too. If you have more acneic skin you can also add a drop of lavender or tea tree essential oils for the purifying and detoxifying benefits! Yum!

Jan 10, 2013

Sarah L.

Massage a small dab of oil all over the skin, remove the residue with a damp flannel with water as warm as you can have. And that's it! The only thing I would say is beware of using it in the morning, I always recommend a light splash of water and just some a wipe over with cotton pads that have been soaked in rose water. 

Jan 10, 2013

Mary B.

This is a must try! Great info and perfect timing too! I just bought sweet almond oil to moisturize with :)

Jan 16, 2013

Britt A.

It's been a week now and I can't recommend it enough! I think I might pick up some tea tree oil like you suggested, Sarah. It hopefully will give the EVOO a better smell too ;)

Jan 16, 2013

Laura H.

I think this is worth trying. and on the subject of tea tree oil, it's amazing for breakouts. I try to never be without it. 

Jan 16, 2013

Loren B.

I used lots of different oils on my skin and a clay mask once a week when I remember. I'm currently using Aubrey organics rosa mesquite oil but I also use almond, coconut, palm kernel, olive, and even butter lol. I also use vitamin a, d and e just puncture the capsule and squeeze over face. It's great stuff. 

Britt A.

Wherever the Air Force takes us!