Hot to thicken your nails after fake nails?


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Jan 25, 2016

Jovanna Z.

So I went to get my nails done & when they came off I had the most sensitive nails they bend & break Easley I don't know how to make them get health & thick.

Jan 25, 2016

Charlotte G.

Would also like to know x

Jan 25, 2016

Hannah K.

Use a nail strengthener, it comes in a nail Polish form. Also, rub your nails with almond oil daily and use a thick handcream, making sure you rub it on your nails. Don't use anything like biotin.

Jan 26, 2016

Phoebe L.

I actually would recommend the supplement biotin. I've been taking it for the past few months and it has really helped me as I too recently got my acrylics off. Before I was on the supplement, my nails remained brittle for weeks longer. I would also recommend that you cut your nails as short as possible. This will prevent breakage that can cause more damage :)

Jan 26, 2016

Ivette H.

Sally hansens vitamin e cuticle oil and a nail strengthener (:

Jan 26, 2016

Melanie S.

Just a tip to remember! While acrylics and gel nails are beautiful, please remember to leave some time in between getting them done so your nails have to heal! I generally wait 2 or more months to really let mine heal.

Jan 28, 2016

Gaby S.

This is why I never get fake nails..I had them RUINED and took months for them to fully heal..I now take biotin supplements, and I recommend you stay clear of fake nails for as long as you can!

Jan 29, 2016

Mimi K.

Lemon, girls, lemon! Been using it a few times and it completely healed my nails. Make yourself a fresh lemonade, take lemon's peel and rub it into your nails. Leave for 15-30 minutes and wash with warm water :D.