Tips for doing kool aid hair.


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Feb 8, 2016

Brianna K.

Ok so I've had my hair dyed (kool aid) and I'd like to do it again... But the problem is it stayed for so long It started fading and I decided to try and get it out so I used baking soda... It worked but it left tiny bits of colored hair... (But not a lot) but it made my hair so dry I had to cut it... This is my hair down below👇🏻 (yes I know I did it to high it was an accident) but I used three packets and boiled water and left it in for about an hour... So please leave some tips on what to do how long to leave etc.thanks!

Feb 8, 2016

Mikayla B.

It would be easy to just use a temporary color. Kool aid will never feel good in your hair! It's not meant for hair. It will always make it dry and stiff

I agree with Mikayla, kool aid will just continue to dry out your hair and you'll eventually have to just cut everything you've "dyed" with kool aid. Stick with temporary dye or hair chalk, something that's actually formulated for your hair.

Feb 8, 2016

katie s.

I definitely would look into hair chalk if you just want some color on the ends!

Feb 9, 2016

Phoebe L.

Kool Aid has all sorts of ingredients that not only make it unhealthy to consume, but SO bad for your hair. It will try it out and add unnecessary chemicals. I would strongly recommend not proceeding with this!!

Feb 10, 2016

Caitlin J.

I read that a sugar free kool aid will help with the stickiness as sugar I presume is the main cause so that could help with the stiffness?