Just Bought New Makeup, Please Help!!


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Jan 31, 2016

Nautica J.

Hey guys I just bought new makeup that I tried out and it worked really good!! But I have a few questions because I've never bought products like these before.

For my foundation, I have the Loreal cushion foundation. I have two questions,
1.) am I able to clean the sponge?? I know it may seem silly but yeah, it would kind of be unsanitary to use it every time with out cleaning it.
2) for the little sticker thing that covers the foundation, am I suppose to keep it there, or do I completely remove it??

I also have a setting powder and this may seem silly but how exactly do I get the powder to the top without making such a big mess??

Jan 31, 2016

Nautica J.

For question one

Jan 31, 2016

Nautica J.

Question 2

Jan 31, 2016

Nautica J.

Last question

Jan 31, 2016

Glem C.

I will suggest you this
I use it for ny beauty blenders

Jan 31, 2016

Shengmin L.

1. I think you should clean it everytime after you use it. I personally find it gross and I wouldn't want to break out from the leftover makeup on the sponge.

2. I don't think it would matter

3. I just cover the top and let the powder sift thru the little holes, open them up and apply with a brush

Feb 2, 2016

Maxine S.

1: Makeup Remover or brush cleaner, but I would personally use 40% alcohol

2. Its up to you

3. Cover the powder with the lid then shake some powder out