No heat hair?!?!?


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Jan 5, 2013

Kaitie G.

I'm vowing to cut 10 in of my hair off this April to donate it. I don't want to used any hot tools till then because I don't want my hair to be damaged. I've already overdone braids and buns. What's a way I can wear my hair and look chic? What's your favorite way to curl your hair over night?

Jan 5, 2013

Gracie F.

If you want curly hair (natural looking) then this is what I do: get some scrunching cream. Wash you hair. Then get the moisture out but make sure hair is still wet. Then scrunch your hair. Next, put your hair into a bun on top of your head and sleep on it. (If you want to do it overnight) but if you are doing it during daytime, just scrunch. :) Hope you like idea lol