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Jan 4, 2013

Becca M.

Just tried the Ardell Lash extensions starter kit..work up & my eyes were swollen! Went to remove them & the remover doesn't work at aaalllll, my natural lashes are now 50percent GONE :(

Lash growth trick?
Much needed advice..in depression!

Jan 4, 2013

Mariam L.

thats horrible! :( im so sorry to hear that. i usually apply castor oil to my lashes before i go to sleep. it makes them thick, strong, and long. i have long lashes but they weren't strong or thick. if you can't find castor oil in stores you can order it online. it should be the tasteless and odorless oil. u can also apply vasaline to your lashes. they will make your lashes dark and strong. :) 

Jan 5, 2013

Becca M.

Thank you so much!
I have been dowelling on this all day long & haven't gotten around to buying anything all day long.. Thanks so much for your help!
