Burned/scratched off skin!! HELP!


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Dec 30, 2015

Bridgette D.

So today I went and had a facial at a local spa. I had filled out a sheet with my routine and my skin type and went back with the lady for what she called "a nice relaxing facial". It was fine until she started using a clarisonic pro to grind my skin for 5 minutes+, I started wincing and that's when she stopped. She then looked at my skin and gasped so I knew something was wrong. She then layered on moisturizers and other creams until my face wasn't red but instead white because of the products. I will be complaining and writing and awful review but my biggest problem is that I'm left with awful, red, sore skin!! How can I heal my skin before school starts back or even as early as New Years?? Please help!!

Dec 30, 2015

Ally T.


Dec 30, 2015

Tessandra R.

To sooth the skin, you can apply Aloe Vera or products with Aloe Vera in it. That will help with the soreness, redness and overall healing process. Try to avoid using foundation/concealer as that can irritate your skin worse. Also don't use any sort of exfoliate or chemical based mask/facewash on your face. Once the irritation has calmed down, I suggest using a gentle raw honey mask. Honey is antibacterial as well as nourishing and moisturizing. It'll help with the healing process. I hope this helps you! I'm so sorry you had to go through that experience!

Dec 30, 2015

Ally T.

Wash your face and when finished dab it with a towel until dry do not apply lotion after a nice wash it will clog your pores up.

Dec 30, 2015

Alexis C.

I agree with Tessandra however I suggest doing a patch test with the honey before applying it all over as your skin can have a reaction to it even if you're not allergic to honey.

Dec 30, 2015

Hannah K.

If your skin is burnt, rinse your face (with the water running over your face, not towards) under cold water for at least 15 mins. This should've been done at the spa to cool the skin and she should not have layered products on as it can cause more (and deeper) burns as the product goes further into the burn. I wouldn't use any product on your face until it's healed. I would go on the Internet and identify your type of burn (1st degree, 2nd degree, etc) and see if any medical treatment is needed as it may have gone through the epidermis to the dermis, causing deeper scarring. Once the burn has either scabbed over or begun to heal I would start using VERY gentle products but only a little and stop if you feel any form of discomfort. I hope your skin heals x

Dec 30, 2015

Hannah K.

If it is a first degree burn (only of the epidermis, the top layer of skin, like a sunburn), you could use a little aloe Vera but only 100% plant extract (preferably from a real aloe plant, if not healthfood shops do 100% aloe extract). However, if it is a 2nd or 3rd degree burn (goes into the epidermis and beyond) I wouldn't not recommend using products until it has healed.

Dec 30, 2015

Tessandra R.

Thank you Alexis, I completely forgot to put the patch test part in there! Alexis is completely correct :) As is Hannah :)

Dec 30, 2015

Hannah K.

Thank you Tessandra:) I'm hoping the stuff I learnt in my paediatric first aid course is paying off haha :)

Dec 30, 2015

Bridgette D.

Okay thank you everyone! Tonight I cleansed my face with my usual (purpose) and gently applied neutrogena sensitive skin oil free moisturizer to the less red parts of my face and didn't feel any pain. I have aloe Vera that I will try tomorrow and hopefully that will work, if not I will try the honey but because of how gentle and sensitive my skin is I'm wary to try a thick product.

Dec 30, 2015

Shae-Lynn S.

Personally I'd see a dermatologist, they may be able to prescribe you something that will really help calm and repair your skin. I'd be extremely careful with it though, don't try a lot of different things to fix it. That may only make it worse. Maybe use Aloe Vera like said above by Tessandra. I'd highly recommend everything she said.

Dec 30, 2015

Bridgette D.

Unfortunately I'm out of town, we are staying at our beach house for the next couple of weeks so I don't feel comfortable not going to my normal esthetician.

Dec 30, 2015

Bri-bri L.

Oatmeal mask is theeee way to go. Just take some oatmeal (preferabely ground) and some warm water and make a slightly runny paste and let it sit so the oatmeal absorbs the water and creates a thicjer paste.

Apply this onto your face and this will soothe your skin soooo well and moisturize it as well. There are so many soothing and repairing benefitd of oatmeal.

Dec 30, 2015

Shauna S.

I highly suggest putting a cool cloth on your face and then some pure aloe vera gel (not that green stuff you find at the store). this should clear it up very fast. I wouldn't recommend putting honey on your face because it's very sticky and it will probably really hurt trying to get it off of enflammed skin.