Where can I find this?


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Dec 21, 2015

Fearless G.

So I went to the mall with my friend and she was looking at prom dresses. I decided to try on just for fun. I fell in love with this one and now I'm seriously considering it. But I don't remember which store it was from and I can't find it online. It basically like a spruce and it has those like gold beads on top. Do you guys have any clue? Ty.

Dec 21, 2015

Lara C.

Check the mall's website online with a list of the stores so you can research online/by phone to find it!

Dec 21, 2015

Sarah N.

I would just go back to the same mall you went to & look around or ask your friend if she remembers

Dec 22, 2015

Valerie C.

I suggest going back to the mall lmao!