What color should I dye my hair?


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Jun 30, 2016

Maggie D.

I really want to dye my hair, I'm super tired of the color right now. Here's a picture of me if it helps. (Excuse the bags on bags under my eyes😂)

Jun 30, 2016

Damaris C.

Are you trying to go dare devil or neutral.

Jun 30, 2016

Maggie D.


Jun 30, 2016

Maggie D.

I was kinda thinking something like this.

Jun 30, 2016

Melanie M.

Maggie that's a really nice color!??

Jun 30, 2016

Rhiannon C.

I would maybe keep the color you have and get highlights? you can even do 2 different color highlights. do a full head of heavy highlights.. I work in a hair salon and highlights come out gorgeous

Jul 2, 2016

Kayley R.

For a more bold look you could get a blue ombré OR for a more natural but still nice colour you could go for an ashy blonde?