Makeup Gets Flaky


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Jun 18, 2016

Sarah X.

My makeup gets flaky in certain parts of my face like between my eyebrows. I'm not really sure if it's because of the powder or what exactly is causing it. what can I do?

Jun 18, 2016

Emma S.

Is it dry skin?

Jun 18, 2016

Sarah X.

Emma I have combination skin.

Jun 18, 2016

Sarah X.

Thank you jasmine! I'll try that.

Jun 18, 2016

Emma S.

Clinique lotion has different "stages" to help with that:) it doesn't leave your fave feeling greasy and it works pretty well.

Jun 18, 2016

Sarah X.

thanks Emma!

Jun 18, 2016

Sarah X.

Hailey my skin is quite dry without powder but not as flaky and I try my best to exfoliate often

Jun 19, 2016

Amaya N.

I have a few dry patches on my face as well. What I do is every night I use coconut oil as my moisturizer. Then before I apply makeup in the morning I rub coconut oil on my dry spots. It works like a charm

Jun 19, 2016

Valerie V.

Dermologica Gentle Cream Exfoliant really helped my dry and flakey skin that I had problems with a few years ago. I get mine from Ulta. I saw a Lisa Eldridge mask video and she recommended it. It is my favorite non abrasive exfoliating mask. It sounds like you may need to get rid of that top layer of dead skin cells. Hope that may help sweetie!