New to Makeup and Trying to Find My "Look"


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Jun 14, 2016

Paige M.

I'm going into 8th grade. Last year I barely wore makeup, only for the first couple of months. The last couple of days I wore makeup too, but not the point. I went natural, with BB Cream, tinted lip balm, eye shadow, and mascara. Should I do something "more" or just wear it more often, then figure out my "look"?

Jun 14, 2016

Paige M.

(The lip balm wasn't really dark, just a little lighter than my natural lip color)

Jun 14, 2016

Ashley D.

I think trying new things to help you find what you like isn't a bad thing but you're only 13/14 years old and it's,important to know that you not only have time to figure yourself out but to know that you'll change throughout your life, even when you're 30, 40, 50 etc. you'll still be changing so I don't think that it's that important to find your "look" right now and instead just do what makes you happy. If just wearing bb cream and mascara works for you then great, but you might also want to experiment more with makeup for fun, it's up to you. Just know that you have time.

Jun 14, 2016

Paige M.


Jun 14, 2016

Grace E.

I started playing around with makeup when I was thirteen, which was only three years ago. I didn't know much about makeup back then but it was something that really interested me and I wanted to learn more about, now I know a lot more about it through research and watching videos etc.
That's a really good way to get started wearing makeup, through watching tutorials. I would say, because you are new to makeup and are quite young, stick with BB creams or tinted moisturiser or maybe use a light - medium coverage foundation. Remember you're still young, your skin is most likely still nice and even and probably the best it will ever be. It's still young, we don't have to worry about the things that happens to older skin yet.
Don't go to heavy with the eye makeup, mascara and a light eyeshadow are perfect! A light lip colour is perfect too! Even with how heavy my makeup is now I still use a tinted lip balm on days I don't want my look to be too dramatic, I have a plethora of Maybelline Baby Lips.
Ultimately, I think you should just do whatever makes you feel comfortable. If you like your look and you feel comfortable with it then that's all that matters. If you feel confident with how you look then that'll show and that's the most important thing!
I hope this was somewhat helpful!

Jun 14, 2016

Ebony J.

For me, I started wearing makeup when I went to college and the more I experimented, the more I figured out what I liked and didn't like. My "look" has always been simple and my signature is my winged eyeliner. I would just say to keep doing what you're already doing and just venture out from there. But also since you're so young, you should definitely keep the more natural look imo - like neutral eyeshadow and lipsticks...etc.

Jun 14, 2016

Shengmin L.

I actually started wearing makeup recently like 6 months ago. I would suggest wearing a little bit at first then experimenting with different colors and products. I would also suggest watching a lot of YouTube videos and practice on blending.

Jun 14, 2016

Paige M.
