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Jan 16, 2016

Sabrina K.

I think you have read the amout wrong Sydney - The MUFE face and body (which I also absolutely love) is 1,7 ounces but so is the Mac face and body :)

I havent tried the MAC one myself but I have heard a lot of people breaks out from MAC foundations - now if this is not a concern or if you have had luck with other Mac foundations then you could of cause try it out :)
I would recommend you get a sample of both and try them both to see which you like the best.

The only negative I can say about the MUFE F&B is the smell it has a very paint like smell but it goes away quickly! And with this foundation I would only use a brush, the foundations is very watery so a sponge would maybe suck up some of the product :)

Jan 16, 2016

Sabrina K.


Here's a link to the mac foundation at nordstom where you can see its 1,7 ounces :)

Jan 16, 2016

Alex M.

I've tried both and they work equally as good but the Mac one did break me out and NOTHING breaks me out