What Makeup Did U Wear In 9Th Grade?


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Jan 4, 2013

Emma E.

I will be in 9th next year and wanted some recommendations

Jan 4, 2013

Ella S.

I was just a freshie last year! I wore concealer (when needed), powder, blush, lid and crease shadow, top liner, and mascara.

Jan 4, 2013

Emma E.

This what I look like

Jan 4, 2013

Emma E.

Thanx Angela!

Jan 4, 2013

Lauren S.

Im a freshman this year :D i mean i have a makeup obsession but i still go pretty natural... Concealer, powder, a bit of brown eyeliner, mascara, blush, and lip balm is all i wear and so do most other freshman!! Hope this helps 

Jan 4, 2013

Bridget M.

Id wear mascara and shadows.. whichever color matched my shirt haha and clear lipgloss 

Jan 4, 2013

Emma E.

Thank u Katie! And every one else! Lol

Jan 4, 2013

Tone D.

Foundation/powder, mascara, eyeliner and lipbalm.  

Jan 4, 2013

Lauren S.

Just dont wear too much eyeliner.. That us NOT a good look for anyone lol

Jan 4, 2013

Lauren S.


Jan 4, 2013

Kelly E.

Emma ur VERY pretty!!

Jan 4, 2013

Bridget M.

I'm 27 now .. I would suggest keeping it natural some mascara a little cream blush on your cheekbones and a colored lip balm.. If you have breakouts power or bbcream.. Id stay away from foundations.. less is really more  

Jan 4, 2013

Jackie K.

You're so pretty! I would stick with masacara, a little concealer, a light blush and bronzer, and maybe a natural baby pink lipstick/lipgloss!

Jan 4, 2013

Kierstin G.

All you need is mascara and blush! You are super pretty!

Jan 4, 2013

Alyse M.

I didn't wear much in high school.. I never had bad skin but I don't know if I used anything on my face. Powder if anything. And then I did a light pink or white/silver shadow with eyeliner. I don't remember if I used mascara even..

Jan 4, 2013

Shelley W.

Keep it natural just like in the pic you posted. Its perfect. A little mascara, cheek stain and lip gloss and you're good to go.

Jan 4, 2013

Uche M.


Jan 4, 2013

Loren B.

Have fun but for the most part Go natural, nothing beats the beauty of youth. I know I wouldn't have believed it then but there is a gorgeousness of just being so young and fresh. 

Jan 4, 2013

Stefy S.

I never write foundation but I loved eye make up. I would wear whatever bright eye shadow matched my bother and black winged eye liner and some days glitter. I also dyed my hair bright colors. That stuff just makes me feel fabulous. Misty just what makes you happy and in essence feels you. :)

Jan 4, 2013

Stefy S.


Jan 4, 2013

Murphy P.

oh my goodness you are BEAUTIFUL! :) i would do just what you did in the pic

Jan 4, 2013

Karrie R.

I'm in 9th and wear mascara , concealer , foundation and sometimes eyeliner

Jan 4, 2013

Aoife M.

your so pretty u don't need any :)

Jan 4, 2013

Ariana M.

I was a freshman last year; and its pretty crazy to think I used to spend so much more time on my makeup! Full face of makeup everyday, I don't there was a day that I didn't have eyeshadow, eyeliner, foundation, concealer, the entire works. But this year; I think the only thing I've worn was foundation & mascara. But I'm actually starting to do my makeup for school more now. 

Jan 5, 2013

Ruby R.

When I was a freshman in just wore foundation. Sometimes eyeliner and máscara. I really knew nothing about makeup. My foundation was always too light for my skin tone. Overall it was bad haha. I am now a senior and am still learning new techniques :). You are really pretty btw. Doesn't look like you NEED makeup, but a bit of blush, eyeliner & máscara wld look nice on you. Keep it simple. You're young. Show off your natural beauty!