First Time At Sephora.


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Aug 8, 2016

Rojina T.

My hubby is travelling to Singapore and I've told him to stop by at Sephora for perfumes. Do they give free samples while purchasing? Please give some info about freebies at Sephora.

Aug 8, 2016

Hannah K.

They'll give free samples of whatever you'd like; Sephora has a great policy about that. If there are no readily available samples of the perfume you'd like, a sales associate will make one. No purchase necessary.

Aug 9, 2016

Rojina T.

Thankyou Hannah...anything else I should know about Sephora? actually I'm unaware about it as in my country we don't have it :(

Aug 9, 2016

Hannah K.

Hmm, no I don't think so. It's a store like any other! =)