Hearing aids affects my good appearance.


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Jul 25, 2016

Jenni S.

Hi all, I’m feeling really insecure about my hearing issue my hearing aids. I have been divorced for the past 1 year.I am depending on a lot of lip reading as I have a profound loss in both my ears and my hearing aids also do help. My hair covers my hearing aid, but I usually tell people about my hearing aid when I am on a date. After telling them, I feel completely uncomfortable and will not be able to continue my date. It’s a real curse to me when considering my beauty and appearance, but it helps a lot in my hearing. I am looking for an invisible hearing aid and found one named Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) which looks almost invisible. Have a look here please - http://www.hearingsolutions.ca/products/hearing-aids and suggest me whether any of these will help me or not? Or do you have any other suggestions? I just need them to be invisible and to hear things properly. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Jul 25, 2016

Alyx T.

I have no experience with that one, but my boyfriend has an inner ear one in his left ear. I would suggest talking about it with a doctor, my boyfriend just went to a GP but a specialist would know more about it. His was surgerically put in and covered with a bit of his skin from his hip area. So he can shower and wear headphones and such with it. But he had quite a few before that that he didn't like as much. His doctor recommended the one he got and he has had it for almost 10 years now.

I really wouldn't feel bad about it. I know it's an insecurity but honestly it's no big deal. You can still communicate and hear, it won't affect how they see you. My boyfriend hid it for several months before telling me and when he finally did the only thing that changed is I would walk on his good side or speak up if I were on his left. My view of him never changed though. It's not something that wiill affect your personality, so try not to let it bother you. I know it's really hard but it's something that you have to learn to accept. Once you do, things will be a lot easier on yourself. But like I said, I know it's hard and I understand. I would definitely go talk to your doctor or a specialist, they'll be able to tell you pros and cons, how it performs, how it fits etc.and they'll be able to judge if it'll be a good fit for your ear and your lifestyle

Jul 25, 2016

Dorothea S.

I have hearing loss in my left ear and don't use hearing aids, but like Alyx suggested I'd go see an audiologist and maybe they can point you into the right direction of what you want. I know invisible hearing aids are pretty popular now, but like Alyx said I don't think it's something you should be insecure about especially if it's something that you need to help make your life easier. Whenever I go out on dates I usually tell people right away about my hearing loss from the beginning that way it's already out there in the open and surprisingly it's something I feel like a lot of people don't really factor into liking a person. You're a beautiful person inside and out and you shouldn't let the fact that you use a hearing aid keep you from anything.

Jul 30, 2016

Erika P.

I know they make clear tubes for around the ear but Idk about the actual device. You have absolutely no need to feel like it makes you less attractive. I am around Hard of hearing and The Deaf all the time due to being an interpreter and I can assure you some of the most beautiful women I've met have been Deaf and some of the hard of hearing women chose to wear hearing aids to help at work. it does not diminish your beauty at all.