Confidence Is Healthy


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Sep 13, 2016

Kim D.

Does anyone think that confidence can improve beauty? As In, Confidence Is Healthy For the Body And Brain, So it Improves the Inner You. Like For Example, "Your Body Is Nourishing A Healthy Mind So It's reacting in a positive or healthy way". If so, please explain. I would like to hear other people's opinions.

Sep 14, 2016

Rita P.

I really believe that nourishing yourseld and your body from the inside gives you more confidence and, consequently, makes you feel more beautiful! You might want to study, improve your makeup skills, go to the gym, spend some money with yourself and getting a massage, your nails or your hair done, eat helthier..I think all of that are ways to pamper yourself that end up giving you that extra confidence! Of course you have to love yourself first, but doing those things for your own pleasure are the main signs of love, for me :)