Is moisturizer really necessary?


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Sep 22, 2016

Katherine W.

So, I have been debating if I should continue using moisturizer after reading some articles. But I wanted some real life input first.

Some background on my skincare routine: I use sunscreen every morning before using a primer followed by make up. I consider the sunscreen my daytime moisturizer. This is for work days. On the weekend I usually don't wear make up but still use sunscreen.

I exfoliate a few times a week, at night. This is where I use moisturizer. But, on the days I don't exfoliate, do I need to still use it?

Also, I don't know how to describe my skin. It's combo/sensitive I guess. But my t-zone is very oily, hence my question in the first place. When I put moisturizer on at night, by morning my face feels like a grease slick.

Thank you for your help!

Sep 22, 2016

Rebecca J.

I would. I have oily skin and recently changed moisturiser to something more hydrating, this has balanced my skin out and made it less oily.

Sep 22, 2016

Marleen B.

At night, I would still use a light gel like moisterizer or a hydrating serum for not only lightweight hydration but also to replenish your skin after exfoliating. Even if it's a mattify ing lotion or maybe a hydrating facial spray. Just the thought of naked skin after exfoliation freaks me out...but I'm weird like! But I don't think it's necessary for you to apply moisterizer AND sunscreen in the am, if your sunscreen is moisterizing enough.

Sep 22, 2016

Alexis C.

Your skin could be oily because it's not moisturized/hydrated enough so it's trying to compensate by producing oils. Definitely moisturize everyday both morning and night.

Sep 22, 2016

Jamie D.

Could you link to the articles? I've heard some people discussing going moisturizer free but I have no actual sources.

From my understanding, the reason you need to moisturize is because you also wash your face. Washing, by definition, strips oils from your skin - some of which are good oils your skin needs to function properly as well as the bad dirt and clogging oils. Because you've washed, you need to replenish those good oils with a moisturizer to keep your skin in its best health. Of course, the actual physiological functions of the skin are very complicated, but that's a brief overview of what I've heard as why you need to moisturize. I'm no dermatologist though, so I could be misinformed.

I personally couldn't imagine not moisturizing. Honesty my oil levels get so much higher when I don't, and then I'm faced with irritation and flakiness underneath. I relish moisturizing every day because my skin always feels so much better after. But I'd be interested in hearing of what other people are saying works!

Sep 23, 2016

Leuca S.

The issue is not whether your skin needs ingredients that help seal in moisture and promote healthy cells; it's what form that product takes. Some people can use products that are a liquid consistency and be fine, while some need more moisturizing ingredients.

Sep 23, 2016

Aurora S.

Honestly... I think it depends on the person.
I have very oily skin and haven't been using moisturizer quite as much and my skin isn't as greasy.

There's that common "if you use moisturizer your skin won't be as oily" which is true, even for people with normal skin, they rely on moisturizers and without it they become more dry.
So, oily skinned people become less oily because your skin becomes dependent on that moisturizer BUT moisturizers tend to make me greasy overall whether it's for normal skin or oily skin.
I noticed moisturizers that are for oily skin dehydrate my skin and my face produces more oil whereas those for more normal skin moisturize my face yet get me more greasy than with no moisturizer.

After awhile of using moisturizer my skin definitely got accustomed to it cause now when I skip it, my skin isn't quite as oily. Still oily but not overly oily like it once was.
I noticed when I use any kind of moisturizer I tend to get oily more quickly when I wear makeup.
After wearing moisturizer for awhile, in order to even notice your skin isn't as oily you pretty much have to not use moisturizer as often

Sep 23, 2016

Aurora S.

@Natalie my skin only feels dehydrated when I use moisturizer specifically for oily skin.
They seem to have mattifying ingredients most the time.
My skin is fine when I skip moisturizer or use a moisturizer more for normal skin.

Glycerin based ones tend to work best without giving a greasy look or feel nor does it dehydrate my skin but my skin doesn't feel dry or dehydrated without moisturizer anyway so some days I just skip it or only use one at night

Sep 24, 2016

Leuca S.

@Meg I'm referring to more modern formulas for what people would call a toner. A lot of people use a toner and follow with more moisturizing agents, but if you have oily skin you can sometimes just use a toner for drier skin and then skip a traditional moisturizer. That's just an example of making a product work for you.