Calling All Makeup Artists.


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Sep 5, 2016

Riley O.

Hey guys! I'm doing a Girl Scout Badge about financing your education and one of the steps is to find out the education received by successful people in the careers I've chosen and one of them is makeup artist. I would like to know how you became a makeup artist including schooling and basically anything that you think helped you to get to where you are! Thanks in advance!

Sep 6, 2016

Hannah K.

I'm not a makeup artist but what other careers have you chosen? I have a few jobs under my belt, unrelated to makeup

Sep 17, 2016

Riley O.

My biggest one is a musical theatre actress on stage. I also chose fashion designer but that one is my least favourite. I'm also interested in performance arts in general and creative careers except for studio art :)

Riley O.

New York, United States