Make up for a Dame.


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May 23, 2016

Elizabeth B.

I will participate in a medieval fair in Italy. I'll be a dame. What makeup should I wear? (sorry for my English I'm an italian girl)

May 23, 2016

Roz X.

OH! How fun! I believe Ms. Jacqueline and a few other members here can help you if you are seeking to capture the Dame look..but also want to keep it fresh for the fair.

I wish I could be of more assistance, but I wouldn't want to steer you wrong.

May 23, 2016

Kim M.

I'd go with clear dewy skin, rosy cheeks, a light berry lip stain or lipstick blotted. lightly fill in brows. the makeup was pretty simple and natural.

May 23, 2016

Elizabeth B.

What about my boyfriend: my eyeliner?

May 23, 2016

Camilla M.

I'm Italian too! I agree with Kim but I would avoid dark lips

May 24, 2016

Elizabeth B.

Camilla finalmente una compatriota, comunque il mio problema? che sono dipendente dal mio trucco occhi in particolare dall' eyeliner e il rossetto o la tinta labbra non sono abituata a portarle soprattutto quelle scure, se non in rare occasioni. In pi? il makeup deve durarmi un intera giornata e non so se portr? fare eventuali ritocchi.