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May 19, 2016
Kim M.
What can I do to get my views and help when I post MOTD or just general questions?
May 19, 2016
Sabrina K.
Kim do you experience them going unseen?
May 19, 2016
Kim M.
May 19, 2016
Sabrina K.
Well that of cause sucks! It does happens sometimes where a lot of threads gets posted at the same time.
The best thing you can do is to add as much info and interesting content as possible! A catchy title can also help to bring attention to your threads! Time of posting can also have an effect on the traffic. Posting on times where people often will be at work or in school can mean that there isn't many on the app to see your threads.
Lastly being active, on your own as well as others threads, can make people more active on yours :)
The threads I have seen of yours have had active, so hopefully its not to often that this happens :)
May 19, 2016
Jacqueline H.
Sabrina or another member from the moderator team will be able to tell you if in fact for some reason your threads are not being seen in the feed flow. Sometimes there can be a glitch that effects how or if your thread is indeed being seen.
Part of what helps getting more action or views on your threads is by who you follow and who follows you. Every time you post a thread of comment on a thread whoever follows you can see and, the same is true of other people you follow. When you post your threads, time of day could also effect the responses that you do or do not get. How you title your threads and how active you are on other threads also can effect it. For example, I see your threads, but I very rarely see you comment on other threads outside of your own, and believe it or not, how active you are in this community can determine other members interest in what you are doing and saying. It's little things like this that do effect the who, what, when and where of how your threads are viewed.
In my opinion, you may also want to take a look at how Alexis and Livi do their MOTD threads. Besides listing your products, they do give their opinions on the p[roducts that they used, their application techniques and they are very active on them. They actively promote consistent conversation on their threads, and beleive me, that takes work. Just from my own observational point of view, when I see your MOTD's, you do indeed follow the Beautylish guidelines, but you don't really actively ask questions when people do say something other than 'pretty' on your threads. Getting more posts on your threads involves being more proactive and interactive. Of course these are just my opinions. I would ask Alexis or Livi for advice as well. These ladies really know how to make the most out of an MOTD. :)
May 19, 2016
Dana E.
I think Jacqueline made a good point! I do agree I feel a lot of my Posts don't get a lot of action.
However I also feel like sometimes it's hard for me to get involved on someone else's thread when it's not a product/technique I'm interested in or if it's a question I don't have an answer to. I don't think people should hold back from posting on someone else's thread just because they're not super active on others :)
May 19, 2016
Kim M.
I'll try to do a better job at describing techniques and my opinions on products.I thought I was doing a good job at staying up on my threads. but ill try to be more proactive. I do respond to threads a lot. but ill start following more people. Thanks ladies.
May 20, 2016
Jacqueline H.
I hear you Dana... It is hard to comment on a post when it's something you don't have an answer to, or if the content just isn't your cup of tea. The more we interact on other members threads the more action they will see. I say lets all just have fun with it and talk it up when and where we can. :)
May 20, 2016
Dana E.
Sounds like a good plan to me 😃