Eyelash extensions questions


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Jun 5, 2016

Christine J.

What do you all think of them? If any of you have them, do you recommend? Finally have the money for them, I'm just worried since you have to refill them every so often, so it's a lot of upkeep. Will they damage my real lashes? Will they always stay curled? ( I have very straight lashes) Any help or info will be appreciate! :)

Jun 6, 2016

Sarah N.

I'm a licensed esthetician and lash artist. They will absolutely not damage your natural lashes IF done correctly which sadly is a big IF. There are so many botched jobs I've come across. I'd specifically ask for nothing higher than a.15 diameter (I can't go more in detail than that without seeing and going thru your lashes). If the quality of extensions are there you shouldn't have a problem with them not staying curled, don't use real mink they lose their curl very easily plus it's not humane in my opinion. Ask a lot of questions prior to booking the appointment and pay attention to your NL shedding and make sure only one NL is adhered to one extension which means they were properly isolated & won't cause any damage. You do need to do fills to keep them full but how often is dependent on how well you take care of them & your natural lash cycle. An extension applied properly to one NL won't interfere with the cycle at all. we lose about 3 to 5 lashes a day naturally so you'll lose 3 to 5 extensions a day this is normal. Also avoid heat and be careful when blow drying your hair and opening the stove, dishwasher etc.as that can straighten out the curl of the extensions

Jun 7, 2016

Anais W.

You shouldn't re-fill them too often , that can cause your real eyelash to shorten or go away. And they do always stay curled , you don't have to curl them or put any products on them.

Jun 7, 2016

Anais W.

And I do recommend it, I love the way they look, and they make you feel flawless lol. Waking up with beautiful eyelashes makes every girl happy 🤗

Christine J.

Orange County, CA