Bacne Scars & Bikinis (pic)


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Jun 9, 2016

Ray B.

Hello! With summer being here and all, I would really LOVE to wear my bikini. I'm fairly confident about my body in general, I'm a belly dancer and in great shape. My only concern is that people will notice my bacne scarring. I found a routine that clears it right up awhile back, so I hardly get any cystic acne on my shoulders anymore. But it was BAD. I know there's a shadow in between my shoulders, but there's hardly any scarring there. Any suggestions? (Also I have a pretty great sunburn in this picture, so the scars probably look worse without it).

Jun 9, 2016

Melanie S.

I know this isn't the exact situation, but I had terrible bacne in high school. I went to all the dances showing my back and no one said anything. If you're confident and want to wear your bikini, go for it! Anyone who says anything is just being mean for the sake of being mean. Maybe bring a light, sheer coverup, or wear your hair down so it covers it a little?

Jun 9, 2016

Diana T.

Try exfoliating with a sugar scrub - I like the ones by tree hut - and make sure to moisturize the area well - but doing that will take time to heal all the scarring - you may want to try the whitening mask by Mario badescu - it's meant for your face but I think it could work for your back too - alternating the mask with exfoliating every other day should help.

Jun 10, 2016

Ebony J.

I agree with Melanie here; it's all about confidence. I have bacne and acne on my chest and still wear low cut shirts and backless things too. No one really says anything and it's not their right to say something anyways