Jeffree Star Highlighters


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Jun 15, 2016

Jacqueline H.

LOL!! Well, if you ever do have a channel, let me know and I'll be your first subscriber.  :)

Jun 15, 2016

Kristen W.

Jackie: I completely agree with you. I just didn't want to be lumped in with them. We aren't all bad. But I misunderstood, sorry. :)

CPT- Lili R.: My issue with that situation was that TheFancyFaced was claiming the Natasha Denona shadows had harmful ingredients when they did not. She was basing her review off of the wrong ingredient list. Then when asked to add a note to her description box stating the correct ingredients she refused and started attacking Natasha on twitter. Like I said I don’t agree with the name calling but TheFancyFaced was far from innocent in that situation like she’s been made out to be.

Also, both parties have things to lose. Thefancyface risks her subs/views losing faith in her if she admits she used the wrong ingredient list and Natasha potentially loses customers over somebody giving the incorrect information to 70k people.

If you had your own brand and there was somebody telling 70k people that your shadows contained dangerous ingredients and not to buy them wouldn’t you want that corrected?

Jun 15, 2016

Sarah O.

Jacqueline; Aww thank you, you're so nice!

Jun 15, 2016

CPT- Lili R.

@kristen so your telling me that what natasha dennona was correct the problem? It sire didnt seem like correcting the issue to me, the way to correct the problem in her situation would be by doing what every other company does and that would be to issue a statement to the customers not by attacking the person talking shit, its not hard to say the natasha dennona assures there's no harmful ingredients in the shadows we will post a ingredients list if you have any questions please feel free to contact customer service bam there it is, issue addresses without making my self or company look bad, you can't compare what natasha has to loose to what the fancy face has to lose, natasha has thousands of dollars to loose the fancy face has nothing you tube aint shit to lose, natasha should have let her made her self look bad and let her drown instead of making her self look like shit, but like you said lets agree to disagree 

Jun 15, 2016

Roz X.

Lil, I'll be sure to let you know how I like it..although now I'm more excited about Ms. Jacqueline's line...especially since it's the whole enchilada.

I only wear shadow once a week, twice max and I'll confess my skills and biggest investments are in skincare, but I'm ready to bring my A game and make a greater investment in my shadows.

I think Beautylish is now in an awkward position because of this continuing drama...the stoking of flames by people they represent. After Orlando, I'd love to see everyone just take a moment to find a little unity and kindness.

Jun 15, 2016

CPT- Lili R.

@rozberry girl I'm here biting my nails wating for jackie to say it will be out on this date lol and you know she won't disapoint 😉

I don't think beautylish is in an awkward position the people in BL are nothing but professionals and I know that there reading this and taking into consideration all thats being said about the people that were talking about and just like you said if we want change we should contact them, beautylish has always kept and opened mind and been open about hearing peoples opinions 😊

Jun 15, 2016

Jenna R.

I know this is going completely off topic, but what do you guys think about Jaclyn Hill addressing the issue with the BECCA eyeshadow palette? I thought that was very mature and honestly brave to just come out and admit that a product that she was a part of wasn't high quality. I really admire her for not pretending everything was okay and continue to make money off the palette. She even went as far as to wanting the palette to be gone, and I thought that was awesome!

This just makes me wonder if Jeffree or any other makeup artist would do that, admit they made a mistake instead of playing victim and blame it on someone or something else.

I see many of you are saying to be careful on which Youtubers you should trust but I think Jaclyn seems pretty down to earth. Yes, I know she's friends with Manny and Jeffree but does that make her a bad person? I don't know, things are just so complicated in the mixture of Youtube and makeup.

What are your thoughts, girls?

Jun 15, 2016

Alma M.

These are the times I wished BL had live video feed lol it would be so much better to explain stuff.
As for the JH stuff I'm not sure I fully believe her. 

Jun 15, 2016

Jacqueline H.

I agree Jenna, this thread has gone all over the place, so let's talk about Jaclyn Hill and the Becca issue. ;)

Well, as it turns out, Becca admitted it was a quality control issue. Becca copped to it and took responsibility for it. Two thumbs up.

Jaclyn Hill? I'm not impressed by her actions. The whole problem started with reports that the shadow was dry, patchy and crumbly, not something that Becca is known for. Before all of this this started going down, Jaclyn was super happy and said that the entire palette was a total collaboration between her and Becca. When the dust hit the floor, she immediately went on Snapchat in an attempt to completely distance herself from what was going on before Becca even had the chance to investigate any possible production issues. She immediately threw Becca under the bus, and for the most part claimed complete ignorance.

MUA's know how these types of licensing deals work, and when a few commented on and questioned what she was saying on Snapchat, she completely and wisely recanted. When you get paid big money, you expect that person to have the company's back, after all I'm sure she had no problem cashing that check from Becca. As someone coming out with my own line, if I paid them I would expect them to come to me first before making videos distancing themselves from the product for her followers. Not wise in my opinion.

She acted precipitously, and showed how disloyal she can, and was as a brand ambassador of sorts. While I'm glad Jaclyn recanted her previous snapchat (s), she really didn't admit to jack and kept changing it up until Becca took full responsibility for the production problems.

Sorry, her behavior was less than impressive to me, of course, these are only my opinions.  :)

Jun 15, 2016

Alma M.

I agree Jackie :)
When I seen KJB say this I knew he had to of known more than what he could share.;)
He really does get as much info possible before he drills in. 

Jun 15, 2016

Jacqueline H.

Kevin would indeed know.  ;)

Jun 15, 2016

Alma M.

Right lol
I think to a average person not really knowing what goes into stuff like that it can be pretty easy to make them believe it's just that simple of a explanation,but to someone who's worked in the industry or around it,stuff she said wouldn't really make sense and that is why question's are asked.
This is why it's time for people to really think about those things and put the pieces together.

Jun 15, 2016

Jacqueline H.

What got me was the fact that she had stated that she was super involved in this palette... If I'm not mistaken, she said it was her 'baby,' but little did we know until not to long ago that she only 'collaborated' on 1 shadow in that palette.

Jun 15, 2016

Alma M.

Exactly Jackie and the fact she admitted she really didn't want to make the palette in the first place. Smh 😕

Jun 15, 2016

Jacqueline H.

That's right... totally forgot about that Alma.

I must say, I'm really digging this thread. It's probably one of the most interesting ones I've seen and been a part of in a long time. Thanks for the spirited conversation everyone. :)

Jun 15, 2016

Roz X.

I agree. It's been informative and stimulating. It would be interesting to hear more members' on both sides of the aisle's thoughts.

I don't own anything tied into this social media controversy aside from my regretful lipstick purchase and 3 MUG shadows. Since I'm new to the YouTube beauty "world", I hate that I didn't know that MUG did a collab with someone who also has a record of bullying and degrading others; this, again, seems to be hostility toward women. The drama at IMATS only made me cringe even more. I have written MUG to voice concerns and my reason for why I won't be making future purchases, despite I enjoy the shadows. I had purchased the Champagne Pop, but wasn't familiar with Hill. I'm not drawn to tutorials that require a lot of product by nature. Pop was a recommendation by both fellow members and Sephora. I found it too gold for my tastes and left both a color and finish that wasn't flattering on my pale, cool-toned skin and so I immediately returned it. I prefer a pink or frosty hue with less of what I consider to be sparkle.

I remember when it initially launched; I'd expressed my opinion and noticed a defensive position from a few members who were clearly huge fans. I hadn't experienced anyone that protective, for lack of a better word, of a favorite. I see now that maybe it was the person collaborating that they seemed to be defending and not just the product. I didn't get anyone being unkind, but upon reflection, I do remember a few people being very passionate about their purchase when opposing views came into play. From my understanding regarding the shadows with Becca, there was no swatching on her part, which strikes as not only strange, but unprofessional. I may have misinformation, but from what I understand, they were sent to her and each color was not tested. I also think it's misleading to choose a single color and insist this was your "baby", implying creation and involvement from start to finish.

Calling them "influencers" is accurate. Even though I completely agree with Mr. KJB, I wish he wouldn't have given attention directly to that bully; In my own view, it could have been addressed on a broader scale to avoid giving publicity to him. I do agree 100 percent with him on the Becca situation and the bully situation. In any event, he's shed a lot of light on things that I have long been in the dark about since I'm not into "influencers". On a side note, I just saw a 12 year old imitating Jeffree. was offputting.

Jun 15, 2016

Jenna R.

I'm just so torn because I love Jaclyn so much. I know that sounds childish of me to say but I really do. And it's just so messed up at what the beauty community on Youtube is turning into.

Jaclyn did say she recieved 8 palettes before it was released and admitted she only swatched one and said it was great but wondered if she had swatched the other ones, if the quality hadn't been consistent, she wouldn't have added it to the collection.

I don't know, you all of course have every right to your opinion and thoughts on the situation. At least it seem like she tried to help, but again, to each their own on whether you think she did or not.

I'm not trying to start any trouble, I promise! Just getting my thoughts and feelings out there. :)

Jun 15, 2016

Roz X.

No one thinks you are starting trouble and I know your honesty is appreciated. You have been a doll.

All I can say is, when Col. Sanders was alive, he traveled to his restaurants (KFC, formerly Kentucky Fried Chicken) testing the gravy and chicken all across the country. He was very hands on. In his absence, the chicken took a serious dive. We now know there aren't 11 herbs and spices, but it was delicious none the less...kinda shady, but was tasty!  ;)

Jun 15, 2016

Livi H.

I think Jaclyn hill trusted becca so much, considering her previous products were great! If I was her, I'd test way more than 8, because I think I'm way too doubtful with stuff like that lol.

With that said, I no longer am into the YouTube community or at least the makeup YouTube community. I have come to realize that it's sort of weird. I've noticed ALL the different eye shadows from the different brands when they clearly can use the same ones in the same palette. I think they use/put different brands in description so their videos will pop up more in searches.

I haven't been into the makeup YouTube community lately as it's not something I want to be a part of, that means shifting my channel towards more of my actual life (motherhood, life products)

Jun 15, 2016

Lara C.

I think the whole Becca/Jaclyn Hill collab is getting kinda messy. I think it was very shady of her to get on snapchat AFTER the fact and basically put the blame on Becca. there was already so many negative reviews and comments about the eyeshadow palette. when beforehand, she gave the illusion thay she was super involved and proud of her products. I think she's trying to cover her a** before she launches her own makeup line in the beginning of 2017. and I actually do like her, I think she's very relatable but this shows me as a consumer that she's only in it for the money (which I can understand) and she overlooked everything until people pointed fingers. I'm curious how the launch of the rest of the collection will be after all the drama.
and btw Stephanie Nicole has a video on this as well.

Jun 15, 2016

Maria c.

Livi I agree with you I discovered the YouTube makeup community way back maybe 10 years ago? I remember the first person I subscribed to was juicystar07 lol. I no longer go on there expecting to get an honest review. Most youtubers receive the same PR packages, I've watched them open them, use them for the trips and events the company does, they say they love it and then you never see them use it again because they already have a new PR package waiting for them. Same with the makeup Collabs they make sure they send it to every youtuber, they review it saying how great it is make one tutorial using it and that's it. The only YouTube makeup collab I've purchased is the Jaclyn hill becca collab with champagne pop the compact highlighter and the face palette strictly because I like the product it's self not because it has Jaclyns name on it. As far as the incident with the Jaclyn hill and becca eye palette I was thrown of by it, I feel like she should of stated that was only responsible for one shade in the palette since the very beginning before it blew up, or she should of just stayed quiet about like she would have if the palette had been a hit. Hope that makes sense

Jun 15, 2016

Tina K.

I am so far out of the loop with all of this drama, but I thank you ladies for educating me. I'm older and a bit more cynical (and poor, lol), so I tend not to jump on any current trend. I really wait for the opinions and experiences of those I've learned to trust- many of them YOU!
So, thank you!

Jun 15, 2016

Kristen W.

With Jaclyn Hill I think her track record speaks for itself:

- Continued to promote and attach herself to Gerard Cosmetics long after it had come to light that they were sending faulty products to their customers and all the other scandals that they were involved it. Her excuse then? She was sent better products so she didn’t know the quality was crap… sound familiar? xD

- Continues to work with Morphe and is BFF’s with Linda Morphe despite the fact that Morphe has the worst CS in the business. They have a track record of charging customers and not shipping out the product, shipping taking 3+ months, not replacing broken product, lying about where their products comes from, and bullying/blocking any customers that leave negative feedback.

- Continues to work with MUG after the whole talc situation. Talc doesn’t “accidentally” get into a product. It just doesn’t happen.

- The whole over the counter anxiety medication mess. How she came out unscathed from this one I don’t know.

I’m sure I’m forgetting a lot but this is not the first time Miss Hill has been in situations like this. She is a sales person. A damn good one at that but she is the last person I’d ever trust. Just my opinion though...

Jun 15, 2016

Livi H.

Maria, I usually go on there to search for swatches of the colors! Yes I understand about the PR packages too my gosh lol snap chat shows the true colors as well. I have a YouTube channel as well and most of it was about makeup, but since I'm the kind of person who don't like to use all different products all the time (skin issues) I don't/can't really put out different content that caters to everyone. In that case, my makeup videos kind of died down lol. Not for me. Beautylish is different, it's real people recommending real products that you ladies actually use. That's why I love this community so much!

You tubers like Stephanie Nicole, I love though. Lol her " tsk" sound effect and shaking her head, is how I feel most of the time when I see you tubers recommending crappy products lol.

I feel like returning my highlighter to beautylish for the sole purpose I won't support JS anymore, but I kinda feel bad lol. And my printer is all packed up *CRIES. Maybe I'll sell it on offer up.

Jun 15, 2016

Jacqueline H.

Being cynical is the best way to be if you ask me. :) I very rarely buy anything without checking it out for myself unless I am entirely familiar with the entire range of products within the line.

The Becca Champagne Pop is indeed popular, but it isn't for me. It's a bit too intense and glittery for my taste. I just have the hardest time getting any highlighters that look right on my skin. I just am not a 'glow' gal. I like subtle, so I stick with my Hourglass Ambient Incandescent light and my Kevyn Aucoin Candlelight Glow.

You know what cracks me up? All of these YouTube hacks. Alma showed me one made by a lady who used cotton and a spoolie to get the cotton fibers through her lash line and then coated them with mascara. I guess the 'hack' is using cotton to mimic fiber tube mascara. It didn't look good at all.

I also saw a lady use a gym sock to blend foundation. ;/ The one that absolutely killed me was watching a video where the person used a toothbrush to apply and blend contour product on her face. What's next? Using a potato to contour? I don't know what got into me, but I grabbed a russet potato and my KVD Shade and Light Palette, and dipped the rounded end into a bit of the Sombre and applied it underneath my cheekbone. Well, I got an Instagram terracotta streak under my cheek bone. Who knew? All you need is a potato and your KVD Shade and Light palette. Some of these 'hacks' just keep getting sillier and sillier.  ;)