How Can You Put Designs In Pressed Power?


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May 13, 2016

jule g.

How do you put designs in pressed powder like the too faced blushes or the givenvhy highlighters or how Dior pressed the word "Dior" into their powders?? I'm creating a highlighter and would like a design on the top!!

May 13, 2016

Sam R.

I'm guessing it's a mold

May 13, 2016

Hannah K.

I agree with Sam, it's a customisable mold. I think you can buy them on eBay or Amazon

May 16, 2016

Breeze T.

When I press eyeshadows, I use a coin wrapped in a cloth and push down. I would imagine anything that is the right size and can push your highlighter down can also have a relief of some kind. You could use tin solder onto a metallic surface but that's just an idea...