Corrective nose contouring?


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May 15, 2016

Emma R.

I need some tips on how to achieve a daytime nose contour? I've got a crooked nose (I'll add a picture) that's always bothered me, but I have no idea how to go about corrective contouring? The best way to describe my nose is that it moves to the side (the bridge) so from one angle it looks like a cute nose and from the other it looks like a hooked nose 😭 I have the Kat Von d shade and light palette, so I'd be using a powder contour and highlight if that helps 💕

May 15, 2016

Emily B.

I have the same thing but I just decided to love it.

May 15, 2016

Aurora S.

If your nose leans to one side what you want to do is contour that side. It sort of "carves out" and balances it out. And make sure to blend it down toward the inner cheek a little so it doesn't just look like a line.

May 15, 2016

Camilla M.

I have the same problem 😩

May 15, 2016

Emma R.

Thank you Aurora, I'll try that!

May 16, 2016

Ariana G.

I don't even notice anything...Honestly you are so beautiful and stunning. We are our own critics I guess :) And I agree with Aurora, that should work :) Can you send a picture maybe if after the nose contour, I'm just curious to see the difference.

May 16, 2016

Emma R.

Ariana, I will when I've tried it! Hopefully it goes well

May 16, 2016

Chris M.

...what Ariana G. said!!

May 16, 2016

Marleen B.

I don't know if you meant to do it that way, but I like the shading on your nose in the pic with you in the high neck blue dress. Only the sides of your nostrils shaded. Obviously you would shade the nostril that's crooked a little more.

May 16, 2016

Emma R.

Marleen, I've looked back on that picture and I'm going to try and recreate that look! I totally forgot about it! This'll be a fun experiment