What is this bump on my eyelid?


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May 15, 2016

Camryn L.

I have this bump right under my eyebrow and I'm not really sure what it is? It's been there for about a week and hasn't changed at all. Is it a pimple or maybe an ingrown hair? How can I get rid of it?

May 15, 2016

Rachel W.

This is crazy but try putting Carmex on it when you go to bed for a couple of days in a row. If it's a pimple, the little waxy ball will come to the surface or the whole thing will just dissolve

May 15, 2016

Rachel W.

It could be a cyst, also. My sister gets them occasionally around in that area.

May 15, 2016

Camryn L.

Thanks so much Rachel! Lol it's not crazy at all, my grandparents always told me growing up to put a little Carmex on whatever it and it'll be better! Do you know if putting Carmex on pimples that aren't ready to pop yet will help them go away?

May 15, 2016

Kelly V.

I wouldn't use carmex. while it has salicylic acid in it, it is also very oily and would most likely make it worse. if it does not come to a head or get smaller in the next week or so then I would go to a dermatologist.

May 15, 2016

Camryn L.

Thanks Kelly :)

May 15, 2016

Allison W.

I had a stubborn one once on my forehead (much larger than yours) and it itched like crazy for three weeks. My dermatologist injected it with cortisone and the itch was gone instantly. It was completely flat and gone in 30 minutes.

May 15, 2016

Camryn L.

Allison, yeah mine hurts a little bit too. I'll wait for another week or so and see what happens

May 15, 2016

Sabrina T.

I agree that is could be a cyst. Carmex

May 15, 2016

Kailey L.

Strange spot for it, but it looks like cystic acne. Whatever you do, don't pop it! Just use ice and ibuprofen for swelling, and spot treat only so you don't get salicylic acid in your eye.

May 15, 2016

Camryn L.

Thanks so much Sabrina and Kailey. For some reason it doesn't seem to look as swelled now and I didn't even put anything on it!? Oh well we'll see what happens lol.

May 15, 2016

Hannah K.

It could be an ingrown hair, just a regular spot or a fatty deposit.