If you started a thread but don't have an answer you like.


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May 10, 2016

Fearless G.

Hey guys
I don't know what category this goes in but I wanted to remind you that there are some questions that are very common such as how to make your eyes appear bigger or reviews on a product that other people may have asked already. If you go to the search on top and search your question, you may find an answer there. I understand this doesn't apply to everything but it's worth trying!
Good luck!💋

May 10, 2016

NiK I.

Yes I never thought of thought of that thanks so much fearless:)

May 11, 2016

Christina M.

Very true. I've been searching for a thread from a couple days ago about YouTube beauty gurus & can't find it anywhere.

May 11, 2016

Alma M.

Christina is this the thread your looking for? 


May 11, 2016

Christina M.

Yes! Thanks, Alma! :)

May 11, 2016

Roz X.

I agree! I have learned so much from the archived threads.

May 11, 2016

Hannah K.

Glad you made a thread on this hun, I wrote about this on Almas thread a few days ago but never thought to make a thread to reinforce it :)