Clarisonic... Worth it?


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Jan 5, 2013

Ashley M.

I have been wanting the clarisonic mia for quite some time and I have the money set aside to buy it but still apprehensive about it since I have very very sensitive skin. Is it worth the money buying the clarisonic?

Jan 5, 2013

Bridget A.

There is one by olay and i have had the best luck with it :)))

Jan 5, 2013

Bridget A.

And I have EXTREMELY sensitive skin; I feel ya. I still have to use Johnson's baby soap :( 

Yes!!! It clears acne up faster, moisterizers work better, and it makes your pores look smaller. I could not live without it! I use mine only at night so the head last longer.

Jan 5, 2013

Erica B.

I have sensitive skin as well and I got the Mia for Christmas and so far it's been clearing up my skin faster. It is really gentle on my very sensitive skin! Recommend! 

Jan 5, 2013

Rachel C.

I have been debating the same thing and came across this deal on LivingSocial. Not quite sure what the difference is between a Clarisonic and ProSonic, but from the prices of the Clarisonic out there, this seems like such a great deal!

Jan 5, 2013

Amrita M.

I got mine and within 2 weeks noticed less clogged pores! But... It dried out my skin soo bad I have the worst eczema patches now and it's been over 5 months, I now use it about 3 times a week once a day or when I wear a full heavy face of make up 

Jan 5, 2013

Mary B.

I love mine! I thought I'd need a normal head but the sensitive bristles are wonderful! Great investment. It pulls impurities and purges your skin you may have an initial breakout

Jan 5, 2013

Arielle K.

Yes. So worth it. I was very skeptical as it is an investment and there seemed to be cheaper knockoffs... But it is so worth every penny! My face finally feels clean, the acne that I thought would never dissappear is making an exit, and it relaxes you. You want to clean your skin now, so you do. And for that minute, you just breathe. It is great- and usable in the shower!!

Jan 5, 2013

Shelby L.

If you have even remotely sensitive skin spend the extra 25 and get the delicate brush head. The sensitive head it comes with is very harsh for "sensitive" skin and will dry it out very badly if you are not very careful. It will clear you up at first and then you will find your skin is super dehydrated. It's an awesome tool if you use it safely and wisely. 

Jan 5, 2013

Azure S.

I have very sensitive skin and was extremely hesitant when I received a clarisonic as a gift for Christmas. I have fallen in love with my clarisonic and can't go a day without it. I highly recommend it. It's an excellent investment that you surely won't regret. 

Jan 6, 2013

Ashley M.

Ok thanks everybody!

Jan 6, 2013

Nina H.

It is a must!!!!!! Well worth it!!!! your face will love you:):):)

Jan 6, 2013

Alyse M.

You can get a sensitive brush head for your sensitive skin;)

Jan 6, 2013

Maricela C.

Girl get it. It is wonderful for the face. I love mine 

Jan 6, 2013

Ashley M.

Ok thank you soooooo much. I will delicately get it now. So exited

Jan 6, 2013

Ashley M.

Definitely not delicately haha stupid auto correct

Jan 6, 2013

Erin N.

Get it. My mom works with skin issues and she and I use it but w/ different brush heads. Great buy.