Is It Okay...


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Feb 18, 2016

Isabella A.

So, I'm 14 and I love to use and play around with lipstick colors. I am obsessed with liquid lipstick especially. So, do you guys think it's appropriate if I wear boldish lipstick on a regular basis? Like at school and stuff? Is it weird that I'm younger and wearing bold lipstick? 

Feb 18, 2016

Alexis C.

I say go for it! Of course make sure your color choices are school appropriate (I wouldn't suggest any "weird" colors like blue, green, etc) but outside of school I don't see any reason as to why you shouldn't wear what you want to wear (:

Feb 18, 2016

Sarah W.

At school it would be best to keep looks 'school appropriate' which would be kind of like 'work appropriate'. Then outside of school go bold! 14 isn't too weird. At that age is when it's normal to expirement with makeup.

Feb 18, 2016

Phoebe L.

Personally, I disagree with Sarah. Wear what you want!! As long as your parents and school permit makeup I think you should wear whatever makes you happy.

Feb 18, 2016

Ashley D.

I think wearing bold colors at school is fine as long as you can maintain the color throughout the day. I've seen girls who wear black lip stick and it looks amazing, but they make sure that they have the time to touch up between each class.

Feb 18, 2016

Isabella A.

Thank you ladies so much for the encouragement. I will go bold then and express myself! Thanks again❤️

Feb 19, 2016

Sheslay F.

When I was 14 I wore a full face of makeup to school and it was never an issue. I say go for it! (:

Feb 19, 2016

Allie W.

I'm 13 and I think it's fine if you do bold lips! I'm more into doing my eyes like eye liner or eye shadows and stuff and I do full face of foundation but that's just me.

Feb 20, 2016

Rojina T.

I feel for school, go with soft girlie shades and for casual days try matte colors and for night outs or parties go for bold or dramatic. This way you can chanel your alter ego personas.

Feb 20, 2016

Tessandra R.

Girl, I say go for it! I haven't gotten into lipsticks until recently and I'm in my senior year. But I've always worn bold looks to school, so now I incorporate lipsticks into it! I've worn red, plum, bright purple, and more at school and at my work (I'm a waitress at a pub & grill) and I've always gotten compliments! No one had ever spoken bad about my bold looks, I think people like to see something new in an everyday place :) I say go for it and have fun! Life's way too short to not enjoy how you look! :)