Maybe dying hair pink?!


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Mar 1, 2016

katie g.

So I've been thinking a lot lately about dying my hair pink. (I'm homeschooled so that won't be a issue btw) anyways I've never dyed my hair a bright color like that, and I've been reading up and I've gathered that you have got to bleach your hair white. The thought of bleaching my hair scares me, considering I have very little hair dying experience, should I go to a salon and get it done, or take my chances and try it at home? Also how long do you think it would last if I washed my hair once every 2-3 days? Thanks for any help!

Mar 2, 2016

Sarah W.

If you haven't had much experience dying your hair yourself and don't feel confident about bleaching your hair at home (I always do it at home but I've had a lot of experience bleaching my own hair and very confident in my ability so I never really feel the need to go to the salon) then just go to the salon and get it done. The reason I do my hair at home now is because I've gone to the salon to get my hair colored before and they have never really given me great results. I liked the results I'd get from doing it myself.

Mar 2, 2016

Kailey L.

Since it's your first time, it's probably best to do at least the bleaching part at a salon. If you want to eventually do it yourself, pay close attention and ask lots of questions! As far as the longevity of the color... depends on if you use semi permanent or demi permanent, and on the temperature of the water when you wash it, what kind of shampoo you use, if you heat style, etc. Lots of factors to consider! If you use a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner, wash and rinse with cold water, minimal heat styling... probably 3-5 weeks. Though you can expect the initial vibrancy to fade in the first 2-3 washes.

Mar 2, 2016

Alyx T.

I agree, definitely go to a professional. I bleach my hair all the time but still go to a professional just because I don't feel comfortable with doing it myself since the one time I did it myself I had chemical burns on my scalp. But once you see it done a few times you may feel comfortable doing it yourself.

Like kailey said it'll depend on a lot of factors. If you don't plan on changing colors I'd recommend special effects atomic pink. It stains the hair and is incredibly difficult to remove without going darker, but it lasts forever so it's a plus if you just want pink hair for a long time. But if you plan on changing colors I'd stay away from it.

How to make it last longer, in quick tip form.
- sulfate free shampoo
- don't shampoo when you don't need to.
- add a few drops of dye into a WHITE conditioner bottle and use it every time you shower. If your conditioner is colored, this will not work.
- use alcohol free products.
- ALWAYS use heat protection if you're going outside. The sun can and will easily bleach the color away.
- don't get it wet if you don't need to.
- when dying, keep the color on as long as possible, veggie dyes do not harm your hair and can be left on as long as wanted. Leave it overnight if you can. Blow dry the hair before rinsing. This will be let the dye coat the hair shaft better.
- oils will fade the hair, because it coats the hair shaft and can go underneath the coating of dye. I still use oils in my daily routine, but try and use a light oil (like argon) and don't go overboard with it. Avoid coconut oil and other heavy oils. Do hair masks rather than oil masks, besides coconut oil is only a sealant not a moisturizer and will only fade your hair.

Mar 2, 2016

katie g.

Thank you all! I will definitely go to a salon for the first time.