Gray hairs!? 17!


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Mar 7, 2016

Emily V.

Hi everyone,
Just a little back ground, I'm a 17 year old generally very healthy girl! Recently, GRAY HAIRS have been popping up all over my head!! I've picked out 6-7 of them in the past month or so!! Does anyone know what's going on? Should I mention this to a doctor?? I'm getting concerned! I thought at first it was just a fluke!

Mar 7, 2016

Rebecca S.

It's bad luck to pluck them but I do it too 😂, I found random ones at 16. I wouldn't freak out. You can usually gauge when you're going to start going grey when your mom and dad started going grey.

Mar 7, 2016

Deborah S.

I must have about 10 years ago first noticed what looked like gray hairs but I'm sure they are actually just ones that have gone lighter in the sun or so as I overall still have my natural hair colour. If the gray is really noticeable it might be good to see a doctor just in case but if it's just the odd hair you only notice really close up, I wouldn't worry and chances are you will forget about it anyway. :)

Mar 7, 2016

Roz X.

My sister had a Bride of Frankenstein grey stripe at 25. Some people just grey early. I remember I was 23 when they started coming in. BUT sometimes, as these ladies have mentioned it can be hereditary or it can be lighter hairs that appear grey against your other colors. If you have a stylist, don't pluck them. Let her look at them next cut. She'll know if they are greys. On the upside, silver hair is huge right now. ;)

Mar 7, 2016

Roz X.

Sorry. A stylist dyed my hair silver a while back and I hated it on me, but everyone made that joke..repeatedly. Yeah..I didn't think it was funny at the time either. I couldn't stop myself. :/

Mar 7, 2016

Emily V.

Thanks everyone! Neither of my parents are even going grey yet, so my mum was very surprised when I showed her! I didn't know plucking them out was bad, oops! Won't do that again! I'm almost certain they're actually grey hairs, they are a completely different texture from my normal hair, very thick and coarse! I will probably end up mentioning it to my doc just to see!!

Mar 7, 2016

Ivette H.

I believe it's heridetary. I'm almost 30 and haven't had any gray hairs yet, however I have younger friends that have. I don't think it's anything bad however maybe asking your Dr would be a good idea if it's a concern :)

Mar 7, 2016

appi A.

My friend is a doctor and he told me to eat banana daily.I forgot what vitamin it has..I am sure if you visit a doctor he will give you Some multivitamins

Mar 7, 2016

Ashley D.

It can also be caused by stress.

Mar 7, 2016

Stacie H.

Have you had any injuries on your head? I know a 25 year old girl and she has a clump of grey hairs around her crown due to getting hit by a car.

Mar 7, 2016

Jamie M.

Caused by stress. try out some stress relievers, healthy ones.

Mar 7, 2016

Jamie M.

Also if you pull out grays, they multiply.

Mar 8, 2016

Emily V.

Stress might be the culprit! I have had a lot going on lately! No injuries to my head, thank goodness!! And uh oh Jamie, I really better stop pulling them out! Lol.

Mar 9, 2016

Mira L.

Try He Shou Wu (Fo Ti) herb.

Mar 9, 2016

Lin F.

Hate to tell you but I started getting grey hair around the same age as you. It is genetic, my mum was 75% grey in her early 20s and I was completely grey by the time I was 29 and I have never dyed my hair, only used hair chalks.

Mar 9, 2016

Alyx T.

Definitely not a huge concern. I have friends who are completely grey (naturally) by age 20. Dye can cover it.

Also it doesn't matter if you pull them out. They don't multiply. It's a myth. If they did, we would have found the cure to baldness. All it does is pull the hair out. If you pull too many it can actually create a bald spot, not more grey hair.