No heat tight curls.


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Feb 27, 2016

Laura Y.

Flexi rods or sponge rollers?🐩 for tight curls💜

Feb 28, 2016

Breeze T.

You can do pin curls too if you don't have any rollers! Check out what I was able to achieve without using any "gear" in my profile pic!
If I had to choose between the two, flexi rods!

Feb 29, 2016

Laura Y.

I tried that pin keep falling down... I want tight spiral curls.. I have flexi rods

Feb 29, 2016

Breeze T.

Maybe it depends on your natural hair texture. I had no issues with pins falling down, but my hair is already curly and very thick in diameter. I just wanted it to look curlier than it is!
Definitely try flexi rods, I'd be happy to see the before and after!