Cold Sore? Help?


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Apr 23, 2016

Hannah N.

So I have this cold sore right on the edge of my lip at the bottom. I don't think it's a pimple because it is hard and kind of crusted over. (gross) I was wondering if there were any ways to get rid of it quicker without having to go to the store? Thanks!

Apr 23, 2016

Kim M.

A salt water compress, peroxide, alcohol, Vicks vapor rub.

Apr 23, 2016

Aleena P.

I apply real vanilla extract on a cotton ball every 4 hours or so and it dries it up pretty well. not as good as abreva but still.

Apr 24, 2016

Jenny P.

I asked my mom, who is a pediatrician, and she said the warm saltwater compresses are probably the best you can do. Just try not to irritate it any more than it already is, and wait it out.

Apr 24, 2016

Jenny P.

Unless you happen to have a prescription for valacyclovir, but you mentioned you couldn't go to the store.

Apr 26, 2016

Lila L.

You can find lots of things to help it like cold sore plus. My sister uses it and it helps a lot and you can find it a Walmart for a great price.