What to do after a workout?


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Mar 17, 2016

Ashley H.

I workout everyday. It's not an obsession...I just like to. It's almost summer where I live, so working out is apart of my morning routine because it's always nice outside. My question is: should I was off my body in the shower after I workout? Everyone says yes, but I do a simple casual bike ride at the end of the day and always wash off my body after that. I always wash my body off at nighttime. But should I also in the morning after my morning workout? Wouldn't two showers a day be bad for my skin?

Mar 17, 2016

Chloe N.

I don't think you need to take one after you work out in the morning. You could always just clean up where you got really sweaty with a wipe or something just so the sweat doesn't clog your skin or make you smell bad, but I think a shower just at the end is fine:)

Mar 18, 2016

Delara g.

I would shower after s work out, you could just rinse your body with water and get out, I don't see how that could be harmful

Mar 18, 2016

Ariana G.

I think it would be ok if you just showered once at night.

Mar 18, 2016

Sarah W.

It's always good to shower after a workout. You just have to wait until your body cools down and is relaxed before doing so. Shower so your sweat doesn't clog up your pores later on. Same for your body's pores. It's also not a good idea to work out every day. Your muscles need at least a day to relax. You could always just do it every other day. You don't want to end up tearing a muscle when you least expect it.

Mar 18, 2016

Sam R.

I shower twice to three times a day... everyday... I think you should shower after exercise so you won't get acne/clogged pores

Mar 18, 2016

patty s.

If you do different workout routines everyday it won't harm your muscles. I workout 6 days a week. You definitely need to shower after a exercising, bacteria can grow from your sweat.
I shower in the morning with regular soap, and a sponge and use moisturiser on my body. At night I use a creamy body wash and either (depending on my mood) I use a body oil or body moisturiser, during winter I use the moisturiser on top of the oil.

Mar 18, 2016

Diana T.

You don't have to shower - but I recommend just changing your clothes if you work out hard enough to sweat a lot - honestly I'm not super active but even when I do workout I honestly only shower 2-3 times a week - and I have acne prone skin - but I don't get acne on my body from not showering every day - my acne is not caused by dirt - it's caused by hormones and that is usually the case for most people - if not then it's caused by bacteria - because if it was caused by dirt then why don't we get acne on our hands and feet where most dirt ends up? Anyways just food for thought - I say if what you're doing now works for you then just keep doing it and who cares what other people say or think - it's your body - not theirs - you can do what you want with it - besides over washing your skin is just going to dry it out and cause more problems in the long run - plus think of all the water you are saving :)

Mar 18, 2016

Diana T.

And the article that patty shared is not supported by scientific facts or evidence from scientific studies - those types of articles just take the opinions of professionals and twist them around to support whatever belief they are trying to portray on the public - you don't have access to the full interview - only the bits and pieces they chose to share from it - also the professionals say those things CAN occur - doesn't mean that it 100% will for every single person because every person's skin is different and reacts to things differently - which is why I think you should just do what works for you and not worry what others say or think - because their skin is not your skin and you can do whatever you want with your skin - IMO allowing bacteria to grow on your skin just makes your body's own bacteria stronger - and soap is not going to wash away all bacteria 100% even anti-bac soap only gets rid of 99.9% of germs but guess what that 0.01% is going to multiply and get back to 100% and over to 200+% in a matter of minutes after you shower - so don't be afraid of bacteria - it's good for you and your body to a certain degree - and studies have shown that washing with soap can also lead to yeast infections so there is a balance you have to consider when it comes to washing and getting dirty

Mar 18, 2016

Laura Y.

Better shower at night so you feel fresh up n relax at night... That what I do for bath

Mar 18, 2016

Ashley H.

Thanks everyone! I think I'll just stick to one shower at night, except for the days when I have work in the mornings. I'll just wash off before work. Thanks for everyones thoughts!

Mar 20, 2016

Marleen B.

If you shower more than once, you could use one of those in- shower, moisterizing lotion cleansers. They don't foam up. It will help keep your skin from getting too dry, esp. if you don't have time to put body lotion on afterwards.