Rook piercing?


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Mar 29, 2016

Sophie L.

Basically I'm going to get my rook pierced tomorrow and I'm still really indecisive on which ear.
I have three lobe piercings on each ear, and two cartilage piercings on my left ear.
I did originally want it on my left ear, however someone pointed out it might begin to look cluttered because my ears are relatively small.
I just wanted some other people's opinions

Mar 29, 2016

Jamie L.

Do your right ear! I had literally the exact same piercings as you when I got my rook done! Definitely do it on the right!! You don't want to have one heavily decorated ear and one kinda naked one. I've had mine for four years and I still love it! Make sure you get a curved barbell and not a hoop. They're way more comfortable and easier to clean.

Mar 30, 2016

Sam R.

I'm thinking do it on your left cus that's where I will want it done, but Jamie answer makes sense... I'm undecided also...
I have 2 lobe piercing on each ear
1 cartilage and 1 conch on the left ear
I like that my right ear looks "normal"
and my left has some unusual ness (is that a word?! lol) to it