I want to dye my hair black, but I don't know??


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Apr 4, 2016

Anna M.

This is me, I have wanted to dye my hair black for as long as I can remember. I'm just scared that once I do it, I'm going to hate it. I need opinions.

Apr 4, 2016

Jacqueline G.

Never do a black maybe a veryyy dark brown black you will have a hard time getting back unless you bleach and thats just harsh for your hair

Apr 4, 2016

Sarah O.

I think it will look nice on you.

Apr 4, 2016

Elica A.

I agree with Jacqueline because you have a light complexion and it would make you look even lighter than you are.

Apr 4, 2016

suzanne h.

I did black 1 time because I thought it would look good with my black eyebrows. I was so wrong. looked so fake. now I am a dark auburn color and I love it.

Apr 4, 2016

Kelysse M.

Your hair is a really pretty colour. I would keep it the same. I definitely agree with Jacqueline as a black would be hard getting out

Apr 5, 2016

Miranda R.

If you have always wanted to do it, go for it! my natural hair color is close to yours and I have been dyeing mine black for about two years. if you ever want to change the color, it's not that big of a deal. you can use vitamin c tablets to lighten hair dye. I say you do it, it would look beautiful on you!

Apr 5, 2016

Susana F.

I dyed my hair black and I absolutely love jt! I think it looks really nice! And I think you would look lovely with black hair, don't go for a jet black but go for a black/brown the colour would fade back into yohr normal hair colour over some time like mine does, I'd say go for jt!:) do what makes you happy

Apr 5, 2016

Chahat G.

Oo...hun you are looking so lovely in your natural hair color but if you want to give them natural black touch so don't use black dye because it seems artificial...just use dark brown color dye that will give you natural black hair color :-)