Does Darkening Your Hair Enhances Flaws?


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Mar 21, 2016

Clara A.

Hi everyone!

I would like your opinion on a matter that has been worrying me ever since I thought I should dye my hair.
I currently have golden blonde hair, and I want to dye it as the girl on the picture (este lalonde on youtube). But I'm worried that it might make me look more tired or more strict, or even make me look older.
What do you think?

Thank you for reading me, and sorry for my lousy English, I'm french..??

Mar 21, 2016

Clara A.

Btw I have blue eyes and I use the same foundation as she does so our skintones might be close. And I have dark blue-grey eyes.

Mar 21, 2016

Natalia V.

My personal opinion I don't think the color looks bad on her. but not everything works for everyone especially since I don't know what you look like or your hair length. msybe to be on the safe side you could add high lights if you think it'll be too dark.

Mar 21, 2016

Breeze T.

I don't think it will look harsh. The problem with looking older might present itself if you dye your hair black or a very cool tone, but I believe you're going to look great! Obviously it's hard to say without looking at your face but I'll work with what I have :)
Maybe just in case, keep a couple strands around your face lighter if you want!

Good luck!

Mar 22, 2016

Ariana G.

I wouldnt say that a hair color enhances flaws or makes someone look older. If you have flaws, you'll have flaws. However, a darker hair color will drfinrtly edge you out more. The color in that picture though...definetly not. Go for it.

Mar 22, 2016

Rebecca S.

Dark hair looks amazing with your eye colour I would do it

Mar 22, 2016

Alex M.

Dark hair and bright eyes works the best together

Mar 23, 2016

Clara A.

@natalia : you're definitely right about the lights, I haven't thougt about it it's a great idea!

@ariana : thak you for reassuring me :)

@breeze : thank you! I'll post my conclusion after my little experiment to share with other girls ;)

@hailey : thank you for your advice, I know you know a lot about hair so I'm sure I can trust your opinion!

@rebecca : thank you for your opinion

@alex : thanks girl :)