Got a crazy piercing.


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Mar 25, 2016

Alyx T.

I agree with kelly, it'll either shrink and form to the way it is now, or it'll stretch and be to loose to function properly. I have a stretched tendon in my arm, its really not fun, it hurts all the time and I have to excersize it twice as hard to get it stronger.

Also wearing heels is great but you should take a break every few days especially at home. It puts stress on a lot of your body and it'll wreak havoc later in life.

Mar 25, 2016

Marnie M.

Yes it will affect the tendon. The lady who pierced me is also a nurse practioner. She informed me of some of the possible problems. I know it seems crazy but it was something I just needed to do.

Mar 25, 2016

Molly S.

So are you saying you pierced all the way through your achilles heel, or are you saying you got more of a surface piercing on the back of your ankles?

Mar 25, 2016

Vanessa M.

Wow! That's really cool! I find it really fascinating because I have severe equinus deformities in both of my ankles and feet (thought the right is worse than the left) which causes me to be unable to walk on my flat feet without a large amount of pain. Basically the bone/tendon structure of my feet is really messed up, so I also have to wear heels all the time or flats with special inserts (which still hurts). I've been dealing and struggling with this condition my whole life so I just find it really intriguing that you'd do that to yourself on purpose. So hey, if you need some advice with how to care for and adjust to your new situation, I'd be happy to help!

Mar 25, 2016

Marnie M.

Hey Vanessa M we should compare notes. Yes it was a decision I made.

Mar 25, 2016

Genevieve D.

Latifah T. I was about to google it out of curiosity but now I'm scared! haha

Mar 25, 2016

Marnie M.

It's a pretty piercing! Yes it hurt but beauty is pain.

Mar 25, 2016

Sabrina K.

Genevieve don't Google it! I did! I still have mental images!

Mar 25, 2016

Marnie M.

FYI mine is a 10 gauge bar with plain silver balls on each end. Once healed the bar will be shorter and Im getting different colour sparkling ends for them.

Mar 25, 2016

Danica P.

So I googled it and its a body mod not a piercing not somthing you can just go in a tattoo/piercing shop and get and its placed in the sweet spit behind the tendon once heeled you will be able to strech it and walk normal but it will take time and pain why on eArth would you do this to urself? please don't take offense I'm in no way judging lol when I lost all my hair I got my whole side of my head tattooed my reason to show I'm a surviovor and even somthing like cancer isnt going to ruin my style but I'm still asking you why?? what is your reason? what led you to this decision I'm soooo curious marnie! where are you from also lol not that it matters and also how did you come across this idea?

Mar 25, 2016

Danica P.

Hahaha spot not spit.

Mar 25, 2016

Marnie M.

Hey Danica without to much of my history I'm a cancer survivor too. I went into the hospital in heels and left in heels. Never been without a pair since. Just turned pain into permanent beauty.

Mar 25, 2016

Michelle S.

Definitely a unique piercing, but all that matters is if you love it. I love wearing heels too, but I live in my running shoes. There's no way I could comfortably wear heels after a long workout or workout in them for that matter. I'd 100% break something lol
I know you girls said not to google it, but I had to :p

Mar 25, 2016

Marnie M.

Thank you Michelle it took courage but it's done and I'm super pleased. I know it means a life in heels but that's perfect for me.

Mar 27, 2016

Danica P.

Sorry I'm just now getting back to this thats awesome your a survivor!! more power to you girl I could never wear heels my chemo caused nerve damage in my feet and hands and heels make my toes numb to the point they hurt its weird but still all that truly matters then is if you like it so all I can say is bad ass!!

Mar 27, 2016

Marnie M.

Danica thank you again for the kind words. I do feel a bit bad as every time I look down and see them shine. It's actually a fun feeling know that I had got a mod that changes how I move. And I just love heels so much.
I remember standing in the piercing studio in 5" heels and my piercer asking if I was ready. The needles stung so bad bit I could feel my tendons relax immediately. Very proud I took a risk