Identifying Curl Pattern


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Mar 10, 2016

Sarah A.

What curl pattern is this?

Mar 10, 2016

patty s.

hope those help

Mar 10, 2016

patty s.


Mar 10, 2016

Sarah A.

Thanks,I know that I'm a 3c and 4a. I was hoping someone could verify what curl specifically was.

Mar 10, 2016

Alyx T.

It's hard to tell from pictures, but to me it looks more like 3c but it could be 4a. It could also be a mix. Hair is very unique and doesn't always stick to one curl pattern.

Mar 10, 2016

Cici C.

Your hair looks like a 3B to 3C.

Mar 11, 2016

Aleena P.

Almost definitely corkscrew. botticelli is the next down before wavy and botticelli curls are usually bigger and have less shrinkage. I would agree with you that it looks like 4a. 3c is less spirally and more of an s pattern. I can only see the few locks in the picture you shared though.