Anyone Ever Tried These Sprays?


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Mar 15, 2016

Star M.

The rose water green tea one looks good but I want to know has anyone ever tried any of these? lmk how you liked it I have dry skin and would want to know how good they are for dry skin.

Mar 15, 2016

CPT- Lili R.

I havent tried them but heard good things.

Mar 15, 2016

Marleen B.

I've used the Glow Mist. I like it but I have extremely dry skin. It will definitely make you dewy looking. But the spray nozzle is not as fine as I'm used to. So you will get droplets on your face. I just transferred it to an empty Tatcha Mist bottle.

Mar 15, 2016

Marleen B.

I'm not sure oily or even normal-combo skin will like this. It really is extremely glowy although It could have just been me, going ham on it because I got so dehydrated this winter.

Mar 15, 2016

Star M.

How did you like the tatcha mist marleen? I was going to try it soon as like a moisteriZer before my makeup I love NARS sheer glow but my face got so dry you would see the flakes on my forehead and on my dry patches you see that the foundation for absorbed

Mar 15, 2016

Star M.

I want to try this I've seen good things about it , the toner

Mar 15, 2016

Marleen B.

I really like the Tatcha and even bought a second one when I finished the first. Only because Qvc had a deal for the mist & the moisterizer for I think around $69. But even though I like it, it's not worth the $48 price tag. Maybe...maybe if it was $25.