I'm only 30 and have sagging skin


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Jan 15, 2013

Raquel E.

I'm freaking out and is consuming me that Im only 30 and have sagging skin. Everyone around my age has way better skin then me. What can I do??

Jan 15, 2013

Sofia L.

Well, healthy lifestyle if course, and have you tried facial gymnastic exercises?! I heard it helps!!!

Jan 15, 2013

Raquel E.

Thanks I will look into that. I'm only 30 and should look younger not older lol 

Jan 15, 2013

Mary B.

Yes unfortunately working out really helps but you must be consistent , once you start going you feel so much better and your energy increases much you'll be glad you did! I have to take a pre workout stimulant to get me going and it doesn't make me jittery. The regular workouts help with depression too

Jan 15, 2013

Minnie C.

You so don't even look 30!!! I have the same problem and I recently started taking multivitamins and this is really helping a lot. Plus The more water I started drinking that has helped too. I think also the more dry our skin is the sagger it will look. Alcohol and smoking doesn't help our skin. A good night cream works great as well. I've been using Lancôme since I was 30 and my skin looks pretty ok for being 36 lol 

Jan 15, 2013

Minnie C.

Sorry saggier I'm old lol 

Jan 15, 2013

Shelley W.

I'm 38 and I notice as I progress in wisdom ( I don't consider myself aging per se) that I've lost a little of that youthful look to my face. Some of it is due to me being a weight lifter (I'm a figure competitor) and we're prone to losing fat everywhere including in our faces. Even without all that us beauties in the 30 range are susceptible to sagging skin, wrinkles, dehydrated skin due to hormones. Heading into that pre-menospausal stage in life and it translates via our skin. So exercise, a well balanced diet and a great skin care program will reverse what you're seeing now. I pop Omega 3 pills when I remember to take them, and I eat a huge amount of veggies, I try to get a decent amount of sleep, watch my sugar consumption and keep my wine drinking as a treat rather than an everyday thing with dinner. 

Jan 15, 2013

Raquel E.

Thanks ladies for your input :-) I will take your advice on eating healthier and more water. I have started the whole night cream and day cream but I should have started when I was 20. Oh well, I have to look forward on 

Jan 15, 2013

Shelley W.

Also include a good antioxidant serum and a moisturizing sunscreen into your AM program. Those two together are great prevention methods.