Acne We All Hate It


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Jan 16, 2013

Faith L.

My freind keeps getting teased around by these stupid boys in our class and she wants to know the best CREAM to make it somehow go away

Jan 16, 2013

Sarah S.

You could tell her to try tea tree oil. It is a more natural approach to getting rid of acne and it doesn't have as many bad side effects as chemicals(benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid) like dry and flaky skin. It does take a little more time to heal but it's definitely worth a try! Good luck!

Jan 16, 2013

Amanda S.

have a really good diet that helps lots of leafy greens kale spinach berries wheat germ flax i also take omega 369 supplements zinc helps and vitamin e i also think pure organic carrot juice helps but drink it in moderation.that and a good skincare routine i use the proactive brush but hate proactive creams theyre terrible!

Feb 7, 2013

Faith L.

Oh ok thanks u guys :)