Dry hair... :((


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Jan 20, 2013

Meriel B.

how to prevent dry hair??

Jan 20, 2013

Amy T.

Do coconut oil masks once a week. Make sure you buy the best quality you can. Extra virgin organic. Honestly, the stuff I use is bought at pet stores. lol drink a ton of water, wash your hair in cold water, avoid shampoos with sulfate altogether, don't heat style (and if you must NEVER do it without a protector) and invest in a good quality spray leave in conditioner. Back to the coconut oil - if your hair is that dry, run a bit of it through your ends once your hair is dry. It will soak up the oil and help moisten it up a bit. 

Jan 20, 2013

Amy T.

Or Argan oil for that last part. I use the Argan oil for when my hair is dry, but having both coconut oil and Argan oil can get expensive. 

Jan 20, 2013

Matryoshka I.

Also, be sure that dryness is not caused from build-up. Do a clarifying cleanse with soda & vinegar (or citric acid which I love because unlike vinegar, it is odorless), followed by your usual routine (conditioner/mask, serums etc). Sometimes, my hair feels dry, but in fact cones & minerals don't allow other products to moisturise hair.

Jan 20, 2013

Tiffany D.

buy a deep conditioning cream, something with coconut oil works great... massage into freshly washed, damp hair, cover with a plastic shower cap, blow dry the outside of the cap on a very low heat to warm the product up, or you can just get back in the shower and carry on with your regular routine and the steam from the shower will help. I like to leave the cap on for a couple of hours if I can, then remove and rinse. Voila! baby soft hair

Feb 21, 2013

Monique B.

I use argan oil, I have the one from pro naturals which is very good, leaves the hair soft, shiny and healthy. :D.

Feb 21, 2013

Linda R.

I have the same problem and my aunt whos a hairstylist tells me to put conditioner in my hair. Don't wash it out. Put my hair in a shower cap. Sleep with it on and in the morning rinse it out. Nice soft silky hair afterwards ;) I love it. Do it at least once a month.

Feb 21, 2013

Shumaila P.

I have the same problem. Some one recommend living conditioner so I am going to try that. Really expensive though and I heard great reviews about it!

Feb 21, 2013

Mariah A.

Try washing your hair with really warm water everytime.