Down with ACNE


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uggh ok so I have the MOST bipolar skin when it comes to my face, I will have a good regimen to keep the monsters away but after a good month or two they come back! I know my skin can be cleared cause I've seen it at its BEST! but honey it gets aggravating to dread waking up the next morning just to see those monsters back, I've tried so many routes & now I'm one step away from calling dermatologists just to get some of their good medicated stuff just so I don't have to deal with it. I have combination skin type but real oily when I have make up, sooooooooo (sigh) can somebody ANYBODY help a sister out with this monster issue before I make that call? 《thanks for reading my babbling =)》

Jan 21, 2013

Jessie M.

I have the same problem with acne but always use a primer and oil control before your makeup! It helps your skin not be as oily when wearing makeup plus helps it stay on longer. For foundation I recommend Mac Prolong wear concealer (I know it's not a foundation but my acne is really bad so I use it all over my face) and set it with a powder. And if your acne gets really bad then go to the dermatologist! I made the mistake of waiting to long and my face got really bad. Hoped this helped :)

thank you ms. jessie I live by a primer & pore control (clinque) is my befriend lol but I definitely will get in contact with a derm cause it's getting out of control! 

Jan 21, 2013

Ashley A.

You should call the derm, its ur best shot. If not switch to natural products. Lush has an amazing linr of mask, scrubs, facial washes ect, check them out. Or just buy the clarosonic mia!