Good experiences with a make up artist? :)


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Jan 20, 2013

Courtney O.

Something positive actually!! :)
Anyways, I was shopping in Ulta when a make up artist for Stila came up to me. He genuinely complimented me on my hair and complexion, and he didn't push Stila products on me, but helped me find what I was looking for! He explained freelance work, gave me tips, and explained how to get into the make up industry. He also found out my mom is a photographer and offered to do make up for her photo shoots :) He was just sooo nice and motivating, it was pretty refreshing. AND my favorite part, He said he could tell that I have talent based on my make up and my knowledge on products. That made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside, knowing that a professional thought that...:) He also offered to give me lessons sometime!
Ok, this was just a long ramble, but the moral of the story is that I was just so happy to come across a make up artist that wasn't snobby or cocky, but motivating, warm and friendly:) Now what I wanna know, does anyone else have a good, refreshing story like mine? We need some positivity up in this place!!

P.s I told him he has to join Beautylish :)

Jan 20, 2013

Lolita B.

no, but i hope that my first time encounter with a dept store mua is as warm hearted as he is. nice to know there's still kind people in the world :)

Jan 20, 2013

Courtney O.

I know, it put a big smile on my face :) and a little faith in humanity.

Jan 20, 2013

Cameron R.

I have only had my makeup applied professionally twice, and the experiences were very good, but it wasn't anything exceptional. Our Sephora here though is filled with the nicest, most passionate people I have ever came across though. I remember specifically one time getting color matched for MUFE Duo Mat when seasons changed, this SA named Katrina went out of her way and applied it for me so I could see the finish, added some setting spray because she knew I didn't like looking too matte, bronzer and stuff and I just felt so...appreciated and listened to. She told me she was a free-lance makeup artist outside of Sephora, and she just worked there for the extra income. She gave me really helpful tips on working with powder foundations since I had mostly preferred liquid up until that point, complimented me on how good my skin was and made sure I really liked how everything looked before I left. Ever since then I always make sure to go in without makeup, because if she is there, she will always end up applying something to my face and teaching me new stuff that she has learned.
Up until then, I could count on having horrible experiences with most sales associates or in store makeup artists. Snobby, rude, presumptive, and judgemental. I wrote about one a long time ago on here, I will link it in case anyone is interested.

Jan 20, 2013

Lindsey C.

Did that artist work at the ulta??

Jan 20, 2013

Courtney O.

Aw that's so cool!! I love meeting people that are super passionate at what they do :) I also love when they take the time to teach you things instead of just doing the bare minimum.

And your story in the link.. Damn it didn't happen to me, but that still made me angry..

Jan 20, 2013

Courtney O.

Yes Lindsey! He freelances, but also works for Stila at Ulta, Sephora and Macy's!

Jan 20, 2013

Lindsey C.

Oh wow!  Cool

Jan 20, 2013

Cameron R.

Yea, not to like spread negativity or anything. I mean, it did happen though! But I really do love me some Sephora and Ulta SA's. They are mostly all so nice and progressive.

Jan 20, 2013

Courtney O.

That's the kind of people that make me the most upset, the ignorant ones, ugh -_-
Yes, I find people working the counters in department stores are the most rude and snobby, but Sephora and Ulta usually have great people! people these days -_-

Courtney O.

Sacramento, California