St Yves Face Scrub


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Jan 9, 2013

Mayra L.

I need help I was recommended the st yves face scrub but I find it rough on my skin can I get recommendations on good face scrubs that are not too expensive ...thanks

Jan 9, 2013

Micaila B.

No don't use a scrub if you have acne prone skin it makes it more irritated and extremely red. Just don't you use a face scrub if you want to get rid of rough dry patches or just dry skin try "jojoba oil" it's super moisturizing and won't break you out

Jaina M.

Jan 9, 2013

Jaina M.

i wouldn't use it because it's not fit for something as delicate as your face. although the little peices are grinded up they still leave microscopic tears in your skin.

Jan 9, 2013

Erica H.

They have distant levels of intensity. Try the st. Ives for sensitive skin or gentle skin its less abrasive

Jan 9, 2013

Erica H.


Jan 9, 2013

Laura T.

Jaina - is there a medical study to back this up? I've used this scrub for 15 years and my face is not torn up. 

Jaina M.

Jan 10, 2013

Jaina M.

laura there isn't but it can cause acne due to the tears so bacteria enters the skin and causes acne. it doesn't just tear up your face. it's microscopic. but it might work better for different skin types and I'm no doctor but it does make sense. 

Jan 10, 2013

Melina H.

Mix sugar and water to make a paste and massage in on, then rinse. It is gentle and natural 

Jan 10, 2013

Anum S.

I have recently started using the st yves face scrub and I love it! Obviously wouldn't recommend using it every day, I use it every other day and my skin feels so much clearer and softer. 

Jan 11, 2013

Ally V.

I love St.Ives scrub. I have have acne-ish prone skin and my dr told me to follow 4 steps:

Cleanse to remove oil, dirt, bacteria
Exfoliate to remove debris to clog pores
Moisturize so your skin doesn't need to compensate by producing more oils
Treat (if necessary) with Benzoyl Peroxide cream

I use the scrub almost every day and have ZERO irritation, redness, or bumps and I have EXTREMELY sensitive skin. I've been hospitalized because I've come into contact with sunscreen (now take daily allergy meds). That's how sensitive my skin is.

If you find you have irritation, you can move to the gentle or even the super gentle one made for daily use.