Makeup and Contacts


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Apr 7, 2015

Diana F.

So I'm getting contacts soon. Yay! I'm so excited to be getting contacts because I hate wearing glasses but I like to see things... Anyway I'm a little nervous though because when I do my mascara and eyeliner I'm scared I'm going to irritate my contacts. Like, what if I'm lining my waterline and I gat eyeliner in my eyeball with my contact in there? The non-20/20 life is the struggle.

Apr 7, 2015

Les N.

I put in my contacts before makeup and nothing happens, it doesn't irritate them lol

Apr 7, 2015

Shanae J.

I think putting solution in your eye removes the stuff you get in your eye. I'm not sure, I don't wear them.

Apr 7, 2015

Fae G.

I wear contacts and I sometiems like get mascara on my contact and it doesn't hurt, just wipe it off with your finger, you can't even feel it

Apr 7, 2015

Fae G.

Also Shanae putting contact solution directly into your eyes is actually very bad and dangerous. It isn't meant to be put directly into your eyes and also it can create a suction and your contact can get stuck to your eye and will be very difficult and slightly painful to get off. Same reason why your not supposed to shower with your contacts in

Apr 7, 2015

Fae G.

At least that's what my optometrist told me when I first got my contacts

Apr 7, 2015

Shanae J.

Lol I thought about that as soon as I commented.

Apr 7, 2015

Fae G.

XD yea

Apr 7, 2015

Paola B.

I have to put in my contacts before my makeup because I'm blind and I won't be able to do my makeup if I can't see :(
But I don't usually have any trouble with mascara or eyeliner irritating my contact, except once or twice when I'm in a hurry my mascara want will touch my contact and leave a smudge and when that happen I just rinse my finger with solution and dab it off my contact. That sounds weird, I know, but if I take it off, rinse it, and put it back in, my eye will tear and my makeup will smudge. The non 20/20 life is a struggle :(

Apr 7, 2015

Shreya A.

I've always wanted contacts to change my eye colour lol.

Apr 7, 2015

Kat R.

Paola is right on the mark!! I'm blind as well, so I do everything in my contacts, including shower. If I get a little mascara on my contact, most of the time I don't even notice it until I take them off at night :) good luck!!

Apr 7, 2015

Melody W.

I do my contacts before my makeup because my eyes water a bit. Although Nicole, you can take showers with you contacts and its harmless. They don't get stuck to your eyes you have to blink a little then they are normal. Just don't straight up open you eyes under the dumping water for 15 minutes Lol!! I love contacts!! The first day we had to call somebody to get them out it took me 3 hours just to take them out but after the first week mine where out in less then 30 seconds!! You'll be fine!

Apr 7, 2015

Natalie H.

Waterproof is the way to go! I've notcied that with my contacts my eyes sometimes water so its better to play it safe! other than that you can do everything the same! it's amazing not having glasses you can see the makeup so much more :)