RCMA foundations - good idea?


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Apr 8, 2015

Hannah K.

I really like the look and colour range of RCMA foundations, but cany anyone give me the lowdown on them? I'll be wearing it for everyday wear. I have a few questions that I thought it'd be best to ask Beautylish as many reviews on the internet aren't great and could be written by actual employees of RCMA.

- What's the coverage like?
- What skintype are they good for?
- How are they applied? I know they're different to normal foundations
- Is the RCMA foundation worth the price?

If anyone can give me any extra info that'd be great:)


Apr 8, 2015

megan l.

I'm curious to! I know the coverage is really good because its technically stage makeup.

Apr 8, 2015

Jamie D.

RCMA foundation is very different from anything else. It can build up to very very full coverage, or can be sheered out with a moisturizer or other foundation for a less heavy coverage look.

I personally have combo skin that is both prone to dry patches and super shiny oily areas. I don't have a problem with it generally, although I do get shiny on my oily areas. That might have something to do with the fact that the "fillers" in this foundation are waxes (I believe?), but I honestly don't know for sure. Either way, it's nothing a setting powder doesn't cure. I've only ever used it on my own skin, so I don't know how it would work on other people, but it's a staple in many MUA's kits, so it's reasonable to assume that it does work fairly well on most skin types...again though, I'm in no way an MUA, so I can't say that for sure.

Applying it is...different. It's not any more difficult than normal foundation application in my opinion, for me it just takes more time. I watched a great tutorial that Kitty K (a forum moderator) recommended on someone else's thread that was really helpful. I don't have a link, but you could always post on her wall and ask for it! Basically, you want to scoop a small amount on the back of your hand. Warm it up by blending it with your finger. Then, I apply it with my finger to my face and blend with a brush. The trick is to do it in very thin layers and take your time. This is actually why I tend to not wear mine for everyday wear, because it's very easy (for me at least) to get impatient and apply more than I should and have it end up looking cakey.

It's definitely worth the price! It's actually the cheapest foundation I own (mostly just because drugstore foundations aren't pale enough for me, but still) and it has more coverage than anything else. Also, it takes only a tiny bit of product per use, so I know it's going to last me a while.

Ok this is really long, so I'm just going to end this by saying that I am in no way an expert. Jacqueline H has great advice on this subject and knows much more about this than I do, so again I would recommend posting on her wall and asking about it. I hope this was at least a little bit helpful!

Apr 8, 2015

Hannah K.

Jamie you're a massive help! I have combo skin too but I don't get massively oily.
I'll definitely ask Kitty for the tutorial, she's always so helpful:)
It's the cheapest foundation that I've been looking at. I have the same problem as you, drugstore foundations are never pale enough or neutral toned so I can never find one. I don't mind paying more for foundation though :) I love products that only take a little bit per use:D
I'll definitely ask Queen Jackie too, I feel bad because I'm constantly asking her stuff haha:) thank you so so much Jamie, you've been a massive help:)

Apr 8, 2015

Sonja B.

Jacqueline, when you put it on the palm of your hand do you swirl it around or do you warm it up in a different manner? My "worry" is, is that by swirling it on my palm of the hand I feel that I am losing a lot of product, my palm of the hand is getting a make over... :) I would really appreciate your answer here...

Apr 9, 2015

Roz X.

Fantastic video, thanks so much!

Apr 9, 2015

Ashley D.

It's become my favorite foundation of all time, and thankfully I listened to Alma and Jackie when they told me how great it was.
It has 50% pigment in it compared to the 20-30% that full coverage foundations normally have. But it still looks like skin, to the point where my mom asked me if I was wearing makeup
I've heard amazing reviews from people with dry skin but the foundation still works for me and I have extremely oily skin. Keep in mind that it will be a natural finish, not matte or dewy
As Jackie said there isn't really a correct way to apply it. I typically warm the product up with my fingers (in the tin because it's just going on my face), dot it all over, and then blend it with a brush. The only thing I can say about how not to apply it is don't use a damp sponge and don't apply it to the skin without warming it up.
100% worth every penny. I would pay way more than the $18 if I had too, but I think one of the best things about this foundation is the price point. It's extremely cheaper than a majority of high end foundations out there, yet it's the absolute best product for foundation. I highly recommend it.

Apr 9, 2015

Sonja B.

Thanks Jacqueline for explaining it. I guess I still have to experiment a bit more with it.