Makeup tips for traveling.


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Mar 23, 2015

Ashley C.

Hi ladies :)
I'm going on a missions trip with my church in two weeks, and the climate we'll be going to is fairly humid. Does anyone have tips for helping makeup to last during the day? And also, this will be my first time traveling by plane, and if any of you ladies have tips on packing makeup supplies they would be greatly appreciated :)

Mar 23, 2015

Les N.

Use a primer and setting spray, I use the smashbox photo finish & UD all nighter setting spray.
both work great (:

Mar 23, 2015

Ashley C.

Thanks Les :)

Mar 23, 2015

Ashley C.

Thanks for the help Kate! Where could I find the Caudalie Beauty Elixar?

Mar 23, 2015

Jafaction B.

I always buy the travelkit of rituals in the airplane, there is a kit for mens and women. IT smells so good 😍 I have also my basic make up (mascara, primer, fond de teint etc.) with me when I am traveling, buth the importantst thing are a very good sunspray, sunlotion, a night and day crème, a little handwashtube, and musquito-spray (becouse I hate spiders, insects, and snakes and they hate the fragrance of that spray)

Mar 23, 2015

Ashley C.

Thanks Jafaction :) that was really helpful! :)

Mar 23, 2015

Jafaction B.

No problem I Will always help you :)

Mar 23, 2015

Ashley C.

Thanks so much ladies! 💖

Mar 24, 2015

Hannah M.

Translucent powder & a good Bb cream ;)

Mar 24, 2015

Hannah M.

Oh, & setting spray!!